Hey my names Preston Im a solo rap artist now was in a group called straight-jacket and I was signed with Null-N-Void Records you can find those songs on youtube under nullnvoidrecords but I am no longer affiliated with them they tried to f**k me over and another studio made me an offer i couldnt refuse even though im in a rapper im still passionate about metal music i used to sing for a metal band called Flawed Perfection and we were thought to be going places but some people are buttholes with there heads up their asses but thats a story for another time anyway my music career has really took off I now travel to New York and Pennsylvania recording at Quad Studios and recording with MCA I know what your thinking why is he on this site if he is a rapper and honestly I dont know but drop me a line I need a girlfriend damnit lol I am not spam and im not trying to promote in any way im simply here to meet new people