.heres a lil info on Moi........
***Total "Freudian" ThiNking... seMi g00d L00kiN'...InK SLiggin'...SunShine sPReAdin'...sTRaigHt sH00Tin'...RaCiSt hATiNg...EmpTiNess fiLLiNg...anYtHiNg buT CeNtral PiVotin'... sMile CreAtiN'...Soirèe skilliN'...C0mm0n SeNSe p0SSeSSiNg...iMaginati0N RuNNin...HoRRoR Lovin'...caFFeiNe dRiNkin'...OuTrè movie watchin'...g0VeRNMeNtAL tRuSt FiZZLiN'...INdiAn food savorin'..MuSic diggin'...UndeRDog deFendiN'...piZZa iNduLdgiN'...Meditative pRacticin'...SeLf eXpaNdin'... iNNeR ReALm exPlorin'...daiLy RouTiNe deSpiSing...W0rld traVelin'...SoCial SniPeN...seLf proclaimed SLaVe to mY owN MiNd & MaSteR oF ProCRastiNation.***
***Feel free to message*** me if You enjoy the RoLLeR Coaster over the MeRRy g0 R0uNd...haVe aNy requests, invites, care to say a simple "heLLo" Or a "%? YOU!". RegARdLeSS, I will get back to Y0u one way or another.......***Kinkfully Yours***, ***SteVe SaNCtuARy***
***Note***... ***To me external coating is not nearly important as Your Internal Fiber and ability to hold a conversation***.