

40 - Straight

Colorado, United States

Jan 8, 2018 02:27

Hola, my name is Veridian, my art name to be specific, its what many of my friends refer me by. As for introductions I consider myself to be a very eccentric person with a very strong and odd sense of humor, i love to crack jokes and comment on everyday life, if i feel it will bring a smile I'll make it.

I like to think I bare very eclectic tastes and interest, i enjoy reading, preferably books that have something to teach, how such and such works books, survival manuals, scientific books, stuff that prolly seems boring and bleaghh. Lots of spiritual, religious, philosphy and psychology texts, mainly to understand what and why people belive the things they do. I believe before i badmouth something i should try to understand it first.

However i do really enjoy fantasy novels and various comics, my favorite is The Sword of truth series by Terry Goodking. I also see myself as a sci-fy nerd, I love Star Wars and Star Trek, However do prefer Star Wars more, Firefly will never die, I go both ways for Marvel and DC, Supernatural, Dr Who, all that jazz.

My favorite characters in such media have always been the chaotic types. Those who never take the situation seriously, love to shake things up for the sheer hell of it, but are not doing so because they are bad guys, they're just haveing too much fun, as such i feel these types have influenced my personality a bit *cheshire grin*

In my spare time I like to create jewelry with stone and wire, sketching with charcoal and dry pastels. Im also teaching myself leathercraft and dabble in chainmale. I do consider myself something of an artist, just to appease my friends who get on me for overly criticizing my own work, or feel there are many more people much better than I, Im my own worst critic.

I do like to workout and involve myself in other physical activities, swimming is a big one, mostly splashing around nothing competitive, from time to time i like to enter one of the various obstacle 5k runs here in Colorado, my favorite is the warrior dash, though mainly i focus on various martial arts, which have been a passion of mine, i bare about 20 years of experence, and still wish to gain more.

However with all that i still really enjoy sitting at home in front of Netflix or Plex with a good supply of beer or rum, and i would love a girl to cuddle and share that with.

While i do know what I want in another i don't feel it be best to rattle off a list of "requirements". People are not machines or so simple to be so clearly labeled, were all more complex than that, and i feel doing so would result in missing out on something that could be great all because someone might feel they couldn't hold up to such expectations from a list. We should take the time to get to know one another first, see where that takes us. Who knows the fun is in the mystery of a pleasant surprise.



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