

27 - Straight

Michigan, United States

Oct 2, 2016 23:44

An intellectual who is looking to explore what the world has to offer.

Pretty cheesy huh? Yeah I thought I'd write something cool and edgy, but it ended up being corny instead.

I find that lists are easy to make so that's what I'll do.

Contact (Go ahead and leave me a message here or any of the places I've listed below. Come on don't be shy!!)
Email- (I was really into sims during the creation of this email.)
Instagram- x_phonia
Phone- Ask me.
Snapchat- Ask me for this too. I was dared into making my snapchat name something I'm not proud of. I can't change it and I learned the hard way
Kik- x_phonia

-Drawing ( I used to draw all the time as a kid, but as I got older and busier I just stop. I've got some free time on my hands now so I'll be trying to get back into the swing of things.)
-Music (Now I literally listen to all genres of music but rock, punk, alternative, indie has to be my favorite four amongst the other 100 genres I love.)
-Video Games- (Skyrim, Sims, Assassins Creed, Mortal Combat, Last of Us, LBP, Life is Strange, Alien Isolation, RE, Silent Hill and many others. I got into video games, anime, and manga thanks to my brother!)
-Anime/Manga (I'd honestly say my favorite genre of anime has to be shoujo and shounen, but I do love some good action and comedy thrown into the mix as well. The list of animes I've watched would go on forever and I've only ever read a few, even though I find manga is superior to most show adaptations.)
-Sports (I of course thank my brother for always bring to the near by park and playing some good ole b-ball with me, but sadly I haven't played much. I do enjoy softball and some soccer too.)
-TV Shows- (Walking Dead, Dr. Who, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Office and plenty other big shows out there. I find myself sucked into them due to all on the internet. Most of these I do enjoy though.)
-Fashion/Style (Really into anything..'edgy'. I really like the 90's grunge look and alternative style. I've also got a two ear piercings on each ear, nose, and navel. So I have an appreciate for piercings and body mods.)

*Phew* Now we've got that over onto our scheduled program. Just Kidding. Since I got some basics out of the way I guess I'll discuss a little bit about my self and what I'm looking for in a...partner?

*Clears throat* Uh..okay So I wrote all of that above because I'm really not interested in wasting my time. I mean I split a least a half an hour into this thing this if that tells you anything. This is a dating sight, so. I'm ultimately looking for someone I can get deeeep with, ya know? Someone you can stay up with all night and talk to about anything and everything. I like meaning conversations about stuff such as religion(not religious, but if you are hey I respect it!), politics (wooow nelly can this topic get intense. I tread lightly in this area of discussion), evolution, space, time, dreams and all that good stuff. I'd say I'm pretty hilarious and I'm open minded and understanding so I love to learn about new things!! Its totally fine if we don't have everything in common. If I find someone I like and they some who like me back? (I'd be shocked!!) and wanted to meet that would be cool. Even if it wasn't to try to get involved romantically. But always know cuddling is an option!

Did you think I was done? Nope!
I ultimately want someone understand and open minded such as myself. Someone to lean on when I'm feeling down and that I can share my secrets, fears, dreams and ambitions with. Somebody loyal, trustworthy, honest, and compassionate. A person you can share the good and bad times with, who wont run away when things get hard and stick it through. If we don't share everything in common thats okay. Taking even the slightest interest in my hobbies is more than enough and I could do the same. I don't want just a physical connection, so no one whose looking just to hook up and be done with it. I want something real and meaningful. Someone to text you in the morning and at night and even if their busy, find even the slightest second of the day to say Hi.

I work and I'm in college at the moment. If I were to meet someone distance really isn't a problem for me (last relationship was long distance) and I'd loved to set aside some money to go see them. I think that if someone is really worth it and means the world to you then taking a few days off just to see them is fine!!



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