

47 - Straight

Illinois, United States

Aug 8, 2016 14:18

I'm a diplomatic straight shooter, so i'll tell you like it is, but ill make you laugh about it. i'm irrationally rational sometimes.

Having said that my intention being on this site is not for a hookup or a one night fling. I'm interested in friends and people I have things in common with, I'm looking for interesting conversations and great cups of coffee or tea or hot chocolate or maybe a glass of Guinness or a white russian

I am a nerd and a geek in different aspects of my life these labels apply and I embrace that.

I foster cats, one at a time, along with my resident cat frisko. He helps me rescue these fur-babies. we get them to trust again, to know that human hands can mean love, and that they can be safe.

I have a dry sense of humor...we are talking "Sahara desert anyone", dry. I like a sharp wit, and good conversation. I've been known to say things like "wow your brain is s*xy"

I'm an artist and I have a unique outlook on life.
Some days im sad, and I'm ok with being sad and I delve into that
feeling and explore that and create something from it even if its the idea of an idea. Some days I'm happy and I do the same thing. some days I want to feel such passion it hurts. and then there is potential, not of what something is, but what is just below the surface.
I'm a closet romantic, still waters run deep within. on the outside i'm responsible and rational, but on the inside is another world.

I love fairytales, because the magic of this world is what makes us smile at rainbows and run through puddles, losing the childish fascination with this world is a horrible disease that afflicts most adults.
I am serious about a great many things, myself is not included in that list.

I love rainy days, I love the snow, im addicted to the idea of coffee....the smell, the taste, the essence of coffee makes me happy.
I believe in tomorrows, I believe in serendipity and synchronicity
I believe in grace. I love zombies and werewolfs but im not a fan of vampires.
I like the underdogs, and the antiheros....I hate superman, I'm a fan of wolverine, hellboy and tankgirl and the maxx
I love penguins, an awkward animal on land but you put them in water and they fly.
I love words, and language and typography, and books and stories

Im a Fluffygirl with curves, I am not thin, or skinny, or even average, words used to describe me are fluffy, chubby, curvy, thick, squishy,
I'm active, I like to work out, I try to eat healthy things, i am on my own journey toward being healthy, but having said that I will always be a fluffy girl with curves, and i'm beautiful, i do not want to be skinny or thin or even average, I want to be healthy.
If you don't like curvy girls that's ok we are all attracted to what we are attracted to, but I'm blunt and upfront; if you aren't a fan of curvy girls, we might make good friends, but I'm looking for someone who loves me for me.

I am straight forward, hilarious, and energetic,
Im the blunt edge of a sword

What Iā€™m doing with my life

I have a bachelors degree in fashion design, my goal is to design a plus size fashion line
currently I have my real estate license and my family and I are getting into rehabbing houses
I work as a retail manager at a craft store as my full time job.
I don't sit still well, I'm always working on a project, if I'm sitting still I'm probably thinking of my next project or I'm asleep
I took the long way (scenic route) to pursue my dreams which continue to grow and change
I have great storys about how I got here. I've had the weirdest jobs, met the coolest people....
and now its onto the next big thing



Age: 26 / straight

United States


Age: 30 / bi

United States

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Age: 30 / bi

United States


Age: 56 / straight

United States

le shrimp

Age: 25 / gay

United States


Age: 19 / bi

United States


Age: 36 / bi

United States


Age: 24 / bi

United States


Age: 19 / bi

United States


Age: 33 / bi

United States


Age: 19 / straight

United States


Age: 42 / straight

United States