IGNORE THE MESSY CLOTHES IN MY PHOTO/ My mothers house has huge mirrors but her dressing room is out of control. I can't bring myself to buy my own full length mirror ya kno?
Well, I have a.d.d. so I tend to ramble and get easily distracted, but I enjoy my work and having an active lifestyle, I find it helps my focus immensely. I worked in the kitchen for most of my life, but recently I have gone into construction due to the cost of living, and its complimenting my somewhat new lifestyle. I used to be very inactive and depressed until I took control of things, I lost a bit of weight and have been going steady to the gym for 2 years now. I am an active person, but dont necessarily need an active partner. On thought note, I am not a judgmental person, body dysmorphia comes in many forms.
I have two dogs, I like longboarding, I quit cigarettes' 2 years ago after smoking for 11. I dont mind if my partner smokes, I still smoke weed, and drink if the time is right.