

47 - Straight

Pennsylvania, United States

Jan 1, 2017 15:19

Where to begin...Hmmm....

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed... The Dark Tower

I'll talk to just about anybody, I'm very easy to talk to and I'm quite friendly so don't be shy or afraid to message me.

Stat's & Stuff
Single male
Am I looking? Yes. Is it a priority? No.
Friends = 😎
Outgoing, not shy at all
Slim but not too shabby
Open minded
Sassy & sacastic, humorous
I have no kids (but I do work with them)
Drinker - occasionally
Smoker - depends, I lean more towards vape these days but I love to smoke in general
Pets: I have three girls, a cat, a dog, and a tarantula and I love them dearly
Religious? Of course, I'm a pastafarian (look it up for giggles). However, I will NOT discriminate against anyone for their religious beliefs, it's your thing not mine and that's cool.

Well, dragons are important aren't they? And the Flying Spaghetti Monster too!

They sometimes call me's a compliment trust me. I have many faces and perhaps one day I'll share them with you. Some are bloody, some are old, some are dead fun, and some only have one eye. I live Halloween every day, and the haunt season is my time to shine from the dark corner I've chosen for myself over the past several years.
I have several ODD jobs (some of which are performer/entertainer related) and I'm happy with them despite the occasional financial bump in the road. So I'm not rich which means if your a gold digger you best move on, money isn't anything except one of the roots of all evil...but we f**king need it in today's society...I know, I think that's lame too.

Music & things that scream.
I'm looking for fellow NIN (nine inch nails) brethren so I know I'm not alone out there...and while I'm on the topic, where the hell are all the KMFDM fans? Do I have to go to Germany to find em? But then there is the band those guys. Also, Shiina Ringo needs to come back to Madison Square Garden, it's been too long. And here's a list of other artists/bands I enjoy: Tori Amos, Garbage, Roderigo and Gabriella, Pink Floyd, A Perfect Circle, Fall Out Boy, Green Day, System of a Down, The Smashing Pumpkins, Iron Madien, Rob Zombie, Zombie Girl, Lords of Acid, Praga Khan, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, and many more. I'm not a big fan of country or rap or vocal jazz ( but instrumental jazz, I could listen to that all the time).

Quick thought - I love to connect, bond, click, whatever you want to call it with a special similar creature out there, it's a wish, a desire, but I digress.

Oh! I almost forgot.
My likes, hobbies, interests what-have-you: Anime/Cartoon geek. And a superhero geek. But I'm very selective about my animated viewing, although I'll watch almost anything on Adultswim. If you wanna talk cartoons or anime, send me a message.

More about me? Ok!
Adrenaline activities are not only welcome, they are encouraged. Or perhaps slow things down and enjoy the experience of going out to the movies, I really don't care how much the popcorn costs, it's a requirement.
Recent & Classic favorite movies
Deadpool, Star Wars the force awakens,
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
Fight Club, The Midnight Meat Train, Evil Dead (love the old ones but the remake was damn good) Freddy vs Jason to name very few.
Oh, and staying at home to watch a movie is ok too,but there had better be some video gaming as well, and hopefully not first person shooters, not my thing. I'm more of a fighting game kinda gamer.
Video Game List
Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter Series, Castlevania (any one of them really), Dead Space series, Robot Unicorn Attack, Any Final Fantasy game before 7 (yeah, I'm old school, what of it?)
Resident Evil series, message if you wanna talk gaming.

I'll add more as I go but for now stay calm AND SCARE ON!!
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Age: 24 / straight

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Age: 34 / straight

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Age: 29 / straight

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Age: 21 / straight

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Age: 37 / bi

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Age: 53 / straight

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Age: 27 / straight

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Age: 24 / straight

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Age: 23 / straight

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Rage monster

Age: 18 / straight

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Age: 31 / straight

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Age: 25 / straight

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