-I'm a classy lady, I sing opera, dance ballet and ride horses. I dream of ballgowns and suitors, call me old fashioned if you must.
-I never really wanted to be a princess; I was quite content to just sit and play Sonic.
-I play World of Warcraft and Xbox. And no, I don't just say I do to be a 'gamer girl' and get guys. Hit me up on earthen ring and we can ICC together.
I don't
- I don't want you to call me luv, hun or babe.
- I don't want to go for a drink or clubbing with you.
- I don't want to cuddle up and watch romantic movies.
- I don't want to go out with you if I can't see us married with children.
I do
- I do want you to call me darling, sweetheart and beautiful. Or just Alii.
- I do want to go to art galleries, museums and walks along the riverfront with ice cream.
- I do wanna watch a horror or kick your ass on Left 4Dead.
- I do want someone who takes relationships as seriously as I do.
I won't
- I won't reply to you if you send me a brainless hivemind message.
- I won't send you dirty pictures, my body is a temple.
- I won't ever forget you, even if you think you didn't do anything of importance in my life
- I won't let you know everything about me unless we've been friends for a good few years.
I will
- I will take the time to reply to a well written message.
- I will write songs about you, but you'll never know.
- I will keep you in my heart forever once we become friends, no matter how briefly.
- I will keep my secrets, and yours.
- Chivalry, honesty and intelligence.
- Animals, much more than people.
- Going for aimless walks.
- Listening to the rain.
- Rude people.
- People who smoke while pregnant and swear in front of children.
- Water.
- Bad table manners.
- Cats > Dogs.
- Summer
br /- Animals b > People.
- Boys < Girls.