Hey there, my name is Eva. I'm not really sure what I'm here for, just thought this site looked interesting.
Before you ask what the deal is, I am MtF transgender. I'm not quite done with transition yet, so I'm at a weird in between state right now. I'll be done this fall. Questions don't offend me, so fire away. Just please be respectful.
Other things about me: I play a LOT of video games. If you're going to be playing Dark Souls 3 on Xbox one, then hit me up. I love metalcore and everything to do with it. Love sushi and Mexican food. I'm not a very serious person, I act like a five year old most of the time. I want a pet sloth and if you buy me one then you can have me.
I guess I'm here just to make friends and possibly find people to hook up with or something. Fyi, I am in an open relationship with another transgirl, so I'm not looking for anything serious as I do love her very much. I'm into all kinds of people, trans or not. I think lip piercings are super hot 🔥. Tall girls are a + and built boys are a major +.
Anywho, hit me up? Promise I won't bite, I'm a sub.