

42 - Straight

West Midlands, United Kingdom

Dec 3, 2017 13:02

What if I told you that this World and this life was a kind of dream?.....? You probably knew already, or you suspected. I like to think that those of us who have rejected the mainstream are, at the least, awake within the dream and steering our own course on this journey. Some of us even not afraid to tread to where no pathway goes...

Vision-Quester, Kung-Fu Master, Electrician, Landscaper, Metalhead, Gamer, Vegan, Secret Agent, and much more... I'm involved with the Tabletop gaming industry (RPGs, Boardgames, & Card games) as a developer.
I like connecting with like-minded people and exchanging/talking about music (Mainly Metal, but many other kinds too, although NEVER RnB), games, culture, deep thoughts, wisdom, & laughter. Love Sci-fi and Fantasy Genres. I'm into Retro games and music in a big way. I enjoy ANIME stuff, Photography, Martial Arts, Cooking (No one beats me in the kitchen) Meditation, Psychotherapy( I studied counseling to diploma level), Reading, exploring forests & castles. I've done a fair bit of travelling, even lived in a monastery in India. Dark Atmospheric Black Metal might be my favorite music genre.
These lists are not exhaustive & may be added to at a later date
Favorite Films include : The Matrix 1 & 2, Vampire Hunter D, Fellowship of the Ring, 13th Warrior, Equilibrium, Conan the Barbarian (Original), Space Adventure Cobra, Drunken Master 1, Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, The Onion Movie, old James Bond films. Hawk the Slayer. Excalibur. Poltergeist 2, Underworld,
Favorite Video Games : Castlevania saga (SOTN, CoD are my main favorites), The Witcher, Final Fantasy saga, Total War series, Bloodstained:ROTN, Dark Chronicle, Phantasie 3. Baldur's Gate.
Favorite tv series : Vikings, Da Vinci's Demons, 12 Monkeys, Game of Thrones, Wiedzmin(Yes, despite the low budget, I like the atmosphere, music, story, & acting), Babylon 5, All Startrek, Stargate Sg1 & Atlantis, Tower of Druaga, Blue Dragon, Record of Lodoss War, Wolf's Rain, Cyber City Oedo, Farscape, Firefly, Legend of the Seeker, The Borgias, Pillars of the Earth, World Without End, The Equalizer, Trailer Park Boys, Chicago PD, The Shield.



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West Midlands
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom

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United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom