My name's Ethan, college student. Dyed my hair blonde because I was tired of being me, got sick of it and buzzed it off, now going through an awkward short hair phase. Very quiet around normal people, pretty open around 'different' people. Loves deep conversation. Tired of society and the way regular people think. I've always found an attraction to people who think differently... If that makes any sense. I play the Uke occasionally, always have had a fascination with the piano. I love photography and videography. Love walks through the forest and nature (unless it's like totally freezing), and absolutely love just looking at the stars, imagining what other possible worlds are out there. Infinite possibilities, endless questions.
Music: Twenty One Pilots, Intuition, Prof, Logic.
"Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?"
"I'm not afraid to die. Pieces of me die all the time"
"Being upset about your relevance is not worth the hell it gives"
"I don't believe in talking just to breathe"