At the moment i'd just be happy to meet a couple more alt people.
I'm often in Cologne and Ghent, due to jobs. I speak english, german, some dutch, danish, swedish when i'm in each their country.
For whatever seems a good idea. Walks in the park, bbq, cooking together, concerts, making music, or anything you like.
Sometimes i need a minute longer to understand local procedures and you-know-what-i-mean codes,
but about everything else i'm rather fit and capable.
I like creative stuff, even if it's only for fun, playing games, i like too being useless just watching or listening.
I think i'm relyable, care that things are ok, i don't think i'm dominant or egoistic.
I've worked for music shops for a long time, now i've been to school for 2 years and i'll start something myself.
About music: i guess my change-of-world came with Nirvana, then i went into Nu Metal, SOAD, MCR, Skatepunk, Of Mice and Men.
But i'm fascinated of a lot of types of music and if you got something i haven't heard yet, i'll listen.
I was never married nor have children. I might look like i'm 68 but the things i can laugh, cry or be angry about are more like 25,
I hope i'm sane , but i've not yet been into this type of ''growing up'' kind of thing, not with the best will.
For anything you'd rather do with more people than yourself, just note me.