

37 - Bi

Merseyside, United Kingdom

Aug 17, 2021 23:50

Hi folks, i am Dan, just here to meet new people really and make some friends, perhaps something more will come in time . I am generally an easy going person, quite laid back i am very much into the older side of music i am a big 80's fan tbh lol and i love retro gaming, the sciences and anything technological . In terms of who i get on with well that's a little hard to describe i can be quite reserved in myself, until i get to know someone so it may take some time for me to fully open up, after i do though there is usually no shutting me up.

Here is some of my fav music

Gary Numan, Depeche Mode, Fear Factory, Dimmu Borgir, Despairs Ray(japanese metal band), Styx, Men without Hats, Kraftwerk, David Bowie, SOAD, Cradle of Filth, DDS, Information Society, Virgin Viola,Type o negative, Requium, 12012, 36481-Mateki, 73shiki, Abingdon Boys School, AcidAndroid, Acid Bath, AFI, After Forever, Alice Nine, Aliene Ma’riage, Aliza Marie, Amaterase, AnCafe, Angel+Dust, Anna Tsuchiya, Another Cell, A Perfect Circle, Apocalyptica, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Atmosnote, Atsushi Sakurai, Aucifer, Aural Vampire, Ayabie , Baby VOX, Baiser, Balzac, Bang Doll, Baroque, Beau, Bile, Black Jack, Blam Honey, Blast, Blood, Blutengel, BOA, Buck-Tick, CaliGari, Calmando Qual, Clavier, Clothoid Doll, Coal Chamber, Coaltar of the Deepers, Cold, Cradle of Filth, Croix, Cross Cradle, D, Daisuke Asakura, Danger Gang, Dari, Dasvasser, David Usher, Deadman, Dear Loving, Deathgaze, D’espairsRay, Die+Vice, Dimmu Borgir, Dir en Grey, DJ Doc, DJ Tiesto, Dokusatsu Terrorist, DOREMIdan, DPS, Dragon Ash, Duel Jewel, Due le Quartz, Earl Grey, Echostream, Ellegarden, Eldorado, Elis, Emmuree, e.m.u, Entwine, Eve of Destiny, Fairy Fore, Fake, Fanatic Crisis, Floppy, Flyleaf, Folder 5, Gazette, Gackt, Girugamesh, Gill’e Cadith, Gimikku, Glay, Gullet, Guniw Tools, Hanzel und Gretyl, Happatai, Hide, Hikaru Utada, Him, Hiskarea, Hitomi Shimatani, Hora, Hotel Shinigami, Hyde, Iceman, Icon and the Black Roses, Imitation Pops Uchuu Sentai NOIZ, Inoran, Inugami Circus-Dan, Isola, Izabel Varosa, Janne Da Arc, Je*Reviens, JILS, Juno Reactor, Kagerou, Kagrra, Kannivalism, Karen, Karimero, Kar’Maria, Kinki Kids, Kirito, Kishidan, Kiyoharu, Kotani Kinya, Kozi, Kra, Kuroyume, Kurt, La’Cryma Christi, Lacuna Coil, La’Mule , Laputa, L’arc en Ciel, Lareine, Lastier, Lempicka, L’luvia, Lolita23q, London After Midnight, Lucy, LunaSea, Luvie, Lynch, Machine, Madeth Grayll, Malice in Wonderland, Malice Mizer, Marilyn Manson, MASK, Merry, Metronome, Midnight Syndicate, Mika Nakashima , Misery, Misia, Miyavi, Moll’e Node, MUCC, Murderdolls, Nanase Aikawa, Never Crazy, New Sodmy, Nightmare, Nightwish, Nil, Orange Range, Orgy, Origa, Orivia, PanicChannel, Park Jin Young, Penicillin, Phantasmagoria, Phobia, Pierrot, Plastic Tree, p**no Graffiti, Prototype, Psycho le Cemu, Puppet Mammy, Rammstein, Raphael, Rentrer en Soi, RIBBON, Rice, Rouage, Ryuichi Kawamura, SADS, Schwarz Stein, Schwein, Scissor, Sendai Kamotsu, s*xMACHINEGUNS, Shulla, Siam Shade, Sid, SilverAsh, Siva, Soroban, SpiderLily, Stella Maria, Sugar, Suite Chic, Switchblade Symphony, Syndrome, System of a Down, Takui, Tetsu69, The 69 Eyes, The Candy Spooky Theater , The Cure, The Pillows, The Seeker, The Rasmus , The TRAX, TM Revolution, Tommy February6, Tommy Heavenly6, Tosinn, Tourbillon, Tristania, UVERworld, Vasalla, Velvet Eden, Vidoll, Violet Narcissus, Virus, Vivid, Waive, Werkmare, Wizard, X Japan, Yoko Kanno, Yoshiki, Zeromancer, Zigzo, Zi Kill

I like a lot more



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