well in the space of a single year i cleaned up my life and got everything figured out and sorted. got my own fully owned home, a motorbike, a full time permanent job and everything is all fine, in the space of just a single year, nothing to everything. cant ask for any more only that it remains this way now. im doing good if anyone was wondering how i am, better than ever. to think i had all sorts of silly plans to be homeless and make that comfortable and had such a doomer mindset, it wasnt hard to fix it, had a little help from investing in crypto when it dipped with covid, then from there had a large sum of money and got a job to solidify it... so yeah making a difference in a fail of a life does require a cash lump sum, to me i got it by crypto investing... to rich privileged folk they get born with it, only need a bit to make a difference though, to make your mind say it can make something out of it and pull everything around on it with support from a bit of effort in employment from yourself motivated by your plans you formulate from your newly found stash. cash is the only privilege in this world that makes a massive difference from zero to hero and changes your view on things and opens up possibility and options.