

34 - Straight

North Carolina, United States

Apr 26, 2011 05:19

Hey there, for starters my name is Neal and I recently just graduated from barber school so ill be in the shop soon. Woot!! Woot!! lol, but yeah b.o.t, For the most part, I'm a pretty chill and laid back kind of person, enjoying life and all that comes with it apart from the drama, I mean how can you enjoy life, if your surrounded by drama, so yeah I try to avoid that. My main goal in life at this very moment is to become the best barber and to get "me" sort of speak so my future will be smooth and easy flowing and finding someone who has the same path to walk alongside me as well. To sum everything up in one as to why I'm on here, is to hopefully have some luck in finding someone that I can call my girl and praise her and cherish her like the queen in my eyes that she is. I've had my share of deception and lies with females and honestly, certain people will be certain people and I cant change that, but for the other females out there that like what you read, are serious, committed on building something, give a holla. Dueces!! Oh yeah btw La Roux ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!



Age: 22 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 36 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 32 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 19 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 23 / bi

North Carolina
United States


Age: 42 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 29 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 18 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 39 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 23 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 22 / straight

North Carolina
United States

Ice King

Age: 44 / straight

North Carolina
United States