I am a visual / musical artist most comfortable
working with the human body as a center piece;
represented by the armor and clothes I create.
I am making changes in my life to embrace a new identity, hiding behind my empty claims of integrity,
and facades built upon a false pride and distorted self-image. Life lessons have given me stride to really access hurdles for a sure footed route, before leaping.
Taking time to see what passions are driving others to succeed;
I observe and practice things that I value in others,
this knowledge, insight, or honed skill
is relevant to the both of us, all of us,
appreciating and prospering from our interactions...
and makes life a little more interesting.
I have a journey ahead of me to find a place.
A place that calls me further, even when I think I have arrived.
That stretches, growing wider and more complex, the closer I get.
Concealed and yet right underneath my nose.