Well...I'm Amanda, nice to meet you. I will say I'm quite the alty, (alternative) though I don't look it sometimes. I'm a photographer,so if you need someone for photo's or whatever email me x3 I'm quite friendly when I get to know someone, but I'm extremely shy at first. I've switched up my preference from Uke to Seme. I can be pretty aggressive... If you know what those mean, awesome. I'm into anime, and manga. I watch Hetalia daily. Give me an IM sometime? xxellabbyxx@yahoo.com. And one more thing, I suck on my thumb, well I bite the nail to be more specific...Don't judge me. I also noticed there aren't very many people on here...or do people just not look at my profile?

Dunno... Casual Grunge, Otaku, Hardstyler, Skyrim and Minecraft are what I'm into. Got Xbox Live? Allya Asama. [Ally/n = Comrade in Latin. Asama = Mean, in Japanese.]. Random note; Gun-totin' redneck. Don't like it, don't talk to me.