

28 - Gay

New Brunswick, Canada

Feb 5, 2018 01:21

I'm just me c: People just call me Jade but my name is actually Jordan so take your pick.

I'm 20 amd currently working at what most would call a boring call center job however i quite enjoy what i do. For the time being at least. I'm going to be going to school however in the fall to do my bachelor's in political science. Then after that I plan on doing my law degree. Look at that aspirations and goals!

I am a lover of video games and horror films regardless if I hide during then or not.

I'm someone who will always be there and enjoys new things. I'm always open to chat so send me a message, you can also do it on KIK because it's a bit quicker of a response, my KIK username is moos214 so use it.



Age: 18 / straight

new brunswick


Age: 43 / straight

New Brunswick