"I speak the truth and everybody else knows it. So just set your ego aside and get the f**k over it."
Instagram: Triforce_of_the_Gods_
- Horror, SyFy, Anime,
-Skateboarding, RollerSkating, Video Games, Drawing, Guitar.
8 Facial piercings, Naval. 10 Cartilage/Ear piercings.
1' inch stretched ears.
I'm 5' ft even.
Music = Life
I'm a concert person. -.^
Kinda shy, not really talkative. I don't connect with others easily. I tend to scare most people off, but I've gotten used to that.^^ I'm more or less a nice person. I'm also a huge Disney person for any odd reason. I love water, as in swimming or anything to do with it. I love photography. I'm an Insomniac, and tend to spend more time awake, running on as little as two hours of sleep at a time. Unless you're close to me, or know me pretty well, I may come off as cold or straight up. When it comes to close friends, I'm an odd ball.
"I did my best to try and become a mirror of Society, but we both know the mirror is crad and everybody is in the act."