Okay, who am I? Well, the name's Matt. I'm a nice guy. Usually. Ok, well, I try to be. I am a believer in chivalry and gentlemanly manners: Something which I've noticed is becoming increasingly rare. I try to be confident, but usually fail and end up being quite shy until you get to know me. I can be quite sarcastic, it's not my fault: it's like suffering with tourettes!!
I live in a small, nondescript town which has some of the usual things like shops, pubs, thugs and chavs. Not as many alternative people here as far as I have seen. Unless they all hiding. If so, stand tall and let's take back our town!
Ok, Enough of the rallying of troops, I guess I'll go with the descriptive thing now:
I'm 5ft8(ish), dark brownish black hair which is past shoulder length and curly, brown/green/blue eyes (those are the various colours of my two eyes, I'm not saying I have three eyes and all of them different colours).
My dress sense varies between cybergoth, upper class Victorian/Edwardian 'traditional' gothic, medieval attire and I can be seen occasionally wearing fairly normal attire! I tend to experiment with my make up styles, though at the moment all I seem to have is bright neon green and black.
Ok, I suppose I should say a few things about my hobbies:
Writing: Stories, poetry, random bits of thoughts in my head - I love the English language, the many combinations of words and the contradictions that are hidden throughout it.
Poi: The art of spinning a couple of things on lengths of cord...sometimes the things are neon flashy coloured, some can be set on fire (This is not something I've tried yet, but I do feel confident enough to try it). It's an easy art to learn but difficult to perfect and perform transitions. It is also a form of dance and it is fun. If done properly it can be mesmerizingly beautiful.
Animals: I believe all life is beautiful and important. Even spiders: although I am scared of them, I respect them - they are an incredible life form, evolved to near perfection. I just prefer to respect from a distance of at least a room, haha! I am the proud owner of the cutest ever cat in the history of cute. In fact, in the history of history itself. She's actually curled up on my bed being cute right now. She was in one of those weird positions that only a cat or some boneless creature can get into. And no: my cat is NOT possessed! She IS a loving, caring little bundle of harmless fur (and big sharp claws and teeth).
Music: And this ties into my love of poi as well - My music taste is extremely varied. At the moment I'm preferring industrial, EBM, darkwave, dance type stuff (Combichrist / Flesh Field / Psyclon Nine / Pendulum / The Azoic / The Cruxshadows / Blutengel / Apoptygma Berzerk / VNV Nation to name but a few. Then I also love the more traditional stuff like HIM / Placebo / Muse / Type O Negative (R.I.P. Peter Steele) / Cradle of Filth / Marilyn Manson / The Birthday Massacre / Bullet For My Valentine...even Good Charlotte...But yeah, anyways, my media player does actually have Aqua - Turn Back Time and even Ace of Base - Always Have Always Will, so yeah...Why the hell did I have to put that?! In my defence I do absolutely love stuff like Nightwish, Within Temptation, Angtoria and Evanescence. That and all the old rock legends (Kiss / Metallica / Guns and Roses / Pink Floyd / Iron Maiden, etc). Also, electro-pop can be pretty awesome too. I would actually have to class a band that my mate is in as electro-influenced-awesomeness: they're called City of Glass, are from Hull and are actually, genuinely talented. Then there's the stuff to chill out to: y'know, like Enigma, Radiohead, Portishead, Conjure One and Akira Yamaoka (Yeah, because the guy responsible for the sounds and music of the Silent Hill games is really great to chill out to: makes great lullabies). Oh and if I feel in a jolly dancing Irish jig kind of mood, you can't beat Gaelic Storm, The Flannery's and stuff like that. Great for drinking to!
Speaking of drinking: Massive get-togethers and parties are always fun...well, maybe not always fun, but always entertaining in some way.
I've just realised I've written quite a lot, and most of it was me rambling.
Okay, to summarise: I'm a music-mad-poi-dancer who like's writing and being strange!
I hope I aint just written all this for nothing and somebody actually pays an interest, as when it comes to meeting new people I am ridiculously shy...and I have terrible luck. Everyone I ever seem to like doesn't seem to feel the same way. Yeah, that's it, get the violins out. OH! Yeah, that reminds me, I also play bass guitar...well, I used to, until Darkwing (yes I named my guitar, so what?) got damaged at one of my parties. She's a beautiful guitar and I will get around to getting her repaired. (I have a habit of naming my inanimate possessions...Even this computer has a name

Anyways...It's nearly 5a.m. I should sleep; the sun will be coming up soon...
Hmmmm, how best to move the sleeping kitty without the kitty moving my eyes to opposite side of the room...