

34 - Straight

Toronto, Canada

May 21, 2021 06:37

*Update - I'm actually dating a man I met from here and he's absolutely wonderful. Gotta say this dating site actually worked for me.*

Hello fellow strangers. First and foremost don't be afraid to nudge me or say something. I know now from experience how hard it can be to sometimes feel like engaging with people on dating sites, but if you feel like you got the urge, go for it. I do this with people I see on certain sites myself but alas to no avail with my luck and no responses. Though you never know, i'm sure people have had success!

I'm on here to talk with others most importantly. Sorry but I don't just hand over my info or other shenanigans off the bat as it takes me quite a lot to trust someone. I can be frustrating that way and I apologize if that is something that disinterests you. I just want to be honest. I know these are sites for people to connect to dating, I would hope for also gaining friends even, but i'm not exactly a fast one for relationships, connections with others are powerful and beautiful when taken slowly. If you comment on here being all 'hey bb.. ulook hot. Let's hang.' I sadly will most likely ignore you. Right now i'm really looking to make friends here.

If you are unsure what to say or wish to be friends, talk about your interests to me. I love listening to what you find fascinating, or any stories that come along with it, so don't be shy or feel like you're being a brag. Everyone has something intriguing that goes on in their life, even if you forget the moments later on.

I'm a very visual person, so if you have any tattoos, piercings, hair dying stories or identities that make you feel confident in yourself or makes you feel well.. like you. Tell me about it! I love hearing how people identify and have self reflections to their visual personification. I have a soft spot for those that have have long hair too. You guys rock for growing it! I'm probably a hairist.. if that's even a word. I'm sorry, i'm probably hair biased!

A little about me. I love gaming. I love playing games and being teasingly competitive in them. When I was younger I got aggressively competitive with certain games I loved and cherish the memories from them. If you have any awesome stories from certain online games or mobas, tell me about them too!

I also am now obsessively face planted in my career in making 3D conceptual art. It's a blast to be in, hard work and competitive. I wouldn't give it up but I've had to make a lot of sacrifices to get to this point which makes me slow at responding on here, which makes me look like a total douche bag to some people i'm sure. That's life though.

I won't say much more, but please share you're experiences with me. I'd be happy to listen.

Thanks for reading this.



Age: 38 / straight



Age: 33 / bi



Age: 29 / straight



Age: 28 / bi


Laura Lace

Age: 40 / straight



Age: 27 / gay



Age: 40 / straight
