Hi my name is Andrew i am 6ft tall dirty blonde hair blue eyes and muscular also a skateboarder and looking for a girl doesn't matter what you look like everyone is beautiful in my eyes. i have been single for over 3 years i feel like i want to give up but im sure there is someone out there for me. I am starting my new job at walmart distribution soon and will be making 16 dollars an hour and i will finally have money to save up and do whatever and get my life on track. I love reptiles and I want to be a herpetologist and have my own reptile house with only snakes in it and milk the venom from the snakes and make antivenin and sell it to hospitals and those in dire need of it to make a hell of a lot of money. (I JUST HOPE I DONT GET BIT) I love to play COD and i love classic games such as metroid and super smash bros. but my fav is definitely ZELDA! ALSO I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO UPDATE MY PROFILE WITH A RECENT PIC SO I APOLIGIZE FOR THAT.