I pretty much don't know myself anymore, I guess you can say I'm like those plastic smiles, I can give great advice but can't follow it myself. I'm a very musically inspired person lol, I may not be able to say what I feel, but I can sing my heart to you if you want. I'm single but as for new love, I keep failing so its up to you if you want to try. But I liked to try dating again but now in days you can't go up to someone and say, "you're cute, can I get to know you better?" or "want to talk? can I have your number?" I prefer to talk, not txt or Message, also, I'll give respect if you do the same. so besides that I look foward to speaking with you. ^_^ I will speak my mind, I also apologetically respond to it but mean what I say, I'm usually a walking contradiction but it matters not