I'm secretly a ninja for the Italian mafia C; yeah im a bit out there but thats okay (: i work at cutting edge haunted house, i enjoy scaring people, it's my hobby lol Im an actress and singer(: i love music, anime, Videogames and horror anything. Kingdom Hearts 😍 my one true love. I hope to major in musical theater one day! Broadway Here I come! If you got a problem with me i suggest you go tell Oprah because ain't nobody got time for that

I'm lazy and I don't feel like putting more so I guess if you wanna know more then ask lol

my snapchat is lukeiamyourtaco ✌️😁 names Elissa btw oh also just interested in cool friends.

yeah yeah yeah I bet you're like why in the f**k she on here then. I just like friends especially people who like the same s**t as me! Please don't flirt with me /.\ I won't flirt back but instead I'll be a weirdo