

31 - Straight

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Apr 22, 2020 13:28


Hi ^^

my name is letizia. i live in the Netherlands.
okay so here is some random information about me

i'm half dutch, half english (father's side).
i don't really have a specific style, i wear and buy what i like regardless of the style

i like watching movies and series. espacially about supernatural things ^^
my favs are: vampire diaries, supernatural, teenwolf, beautifull creatures, mortal instruments etc.

thanks 2 my little brother i also watch some anime fairytail, vampire knight, another..
only watched a few

i watch 2 much stuff so hahah i can't watch 1 thing for 2 long or i will lose interest in it so i need 2 switch it up
i blame it on my sign, a gemini is know for it haha

pff uhm i play some games, not a real big gamer
i like black ops, mario games the batman games and a few others

sadly i don't go to much concerts because the bands i listen to don't come here very often
but when they do i try to be there !

i really like batman and stuff and vampires really interest me. i have watch almost every movie or tv show about them and have some books ^^

and now i am gonna stop

you can always just message me ^^
but if you don't have a profile picture dont even bother i will not respond!

AND if we were talking and you just stop and start ignoring me or something. Just stay away and don't message me anymore don't have time for that! i'm just gonna block you then