Honestly I'm rarely on here anymore for a plethora of reasons so I have very limited expectations after being let down so much quite frankly. Apologies for the negative intro but tis the truth. My profile used to be long...but mayhap abit of mystery is better, no? Passionate, sapiosexual, polymath. Greetings. Looking for friendship aswell as mayhap something more. All good relationships should have friendship as one of its foundations. I am kind, spiritual (as in old spiritualism, not doing Yoga!), an animal lover, a fighter, a lover, intellectual quirky little Irish hobbit. So naturally I am hilarious. I have 2 degrees primarily in English Literature-very proud to have a Masters degree. I believe in communication-which sadly is not common in this world. I'm honest and with any relationship be it friendship or otherwise honesty is the best policy. Talk. Learn. Listen. People dispose of people very easily. Love, kindness and learning are at the core of my being. I am deep, but also prone to sarcasm. I am not a 'one night stand' woman, so don't message me on that pretense, or to say 'ur hot' or any other such inapt silliness! I love learning; anything from History, to philosophy and all the inbetweens. I buy a lot of books. No regret. As above, so below. I can be slow at replying so bare with me, and please be more interesting then 'what's up?' I ignore those messages. I'm here for find genuine friends and mayhap more and if I feel we won't click I won't waste either of our time. Lifes far too intriguing for small talk! I have several chronic illnesses so can be slow at replying. I'm not your stereotypical glammed up to the hilt, pierced goth girl. I don't do labels.
Music wise....is far too long to list. I can be in the mood for black metal, or listen to 60's oldies. Everything from Wednesday 13 to Nightwish to Metallica to Satyricon. Classical music, film soundtracks etc. I don't stick to one genre but generally all types of metal. I also love folk style stuff like Medieval Baebes and Enya! The odd pop song will catch my eye. That is the briefest summary I could make.
I have a YouTube channel -Ethereal Echoes, to sing, talk, and generally share my interests, such as History and Spirituality-you're more likely to find me on there than here as I rarely check on here, but please don't go on there just to leave nasty comments if I don't reply to you on here-not very becoming! P.S. If you look like Pelle Ohlin or Aragorn I may just faint...or Pete Steele or Ville Valo...basically zygomatic features

Edit: I'm very open minded but if you're a flat earther or covid conspiracy theorist I have no time for that or those that preach their beliefs onto others or try to indoctrinate them in any way. I've had a colourful life shall we say and I'm an old soul. Sadly finding genuine honest good people seems to be like finding a needle in a haystack but we'll see...there are a lot of haystacks. PS Ghosting just shows you have very little emotional intelligence and cannot communicate-yet sadly people do it. There are specific circumstances it's ok to do. We all get busy, forget to respond or just don't click with certain folks but communicate-you may learn something

Edit: I'm rarely on here anymore because frankly very few messages peek my interest or it's clear someones not even bothered to read my profile and I'm just another girl they've messaged, but I have some small hope left in humanity! Show me you're one of the good eggs....which there are few of!