

39 - Straight

New Jersey, United States

Jan 26, 2015 18:39

Heres a little bit about me.

I'm part of a management team for an outdoor amusement park called Field Station Dinosaurs.
I'm 1/2 of SITE MANAGEMENT. I fix, build, and repair animatronic dinosaurs all summer long, totes fun.

I also have been a musician my whole life, done the whole nine. (name it)
I've touring for most of my life post high school, done warped tour a few times, even toured canada.
been signed to an indie label recorded albums with Producers such as Jim Wert (Incubus, hipv, Alien Ant Farm, Trapt.)
Rob Freeman (Hit the Lights, We are the in crowd and so on.)
you can pretty much figure out the style of music I play.

When I'm not working on music or dinosaurs, I like to ride my bike (bmx) and work on my body art.
I have so many unfinished tattoos. its something i will be working on my whole life hahaha.

And I love movies
I have tons of movies, my friends have tons of movies.
we watch everything from Disney to ToRma.

And well if there is anything else you wanna know just ask, ill will totes answer.


Spiraling Depression

Age: 25 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 26 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 19 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 26 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 20 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 22 / bi

New Jersey
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 28 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 34 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 27 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 29 / straight

New Jersey
United States