

36 - Straight

Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Aug 9, 2014 22:54

Hey i'm Ollie and I promise you one thing, when I say I'm weird I mean I'm wierd lmao, I'm crazy, I'm eccentric, I know when to be serious and I will be serious whenever anyone needs it, I can talk jibba jabba and really crazy s**t and make up my own stories on a whim in like a "What if?" Daydream lol. I'm a MAJOR GEEK in every sense lol. I despise people who trash talk and ridicule those with mental illnesses, like it's ok to treat them like freak shows and take the piss out of, bullying and belittling REALLY f**ks me off. Hence why one day I'd hoped to be a Social Worker specialising in certain aspects. I will say I have major trust issues it'll take someone special to prove me otherwise, I'm hoping one day I can trust someone 100% even if just as a friend, I f**king HATE cheaters, liars, unloyal people. I really f**king hate that girls hang around with old ex bf's just as "Friends" My mind boggles over it, WORD OF FRIENDLY ADVICE, GIRLS - "No guy is ever gonna be ok with you hurting over or getting pissed off over some guy who you've had a past with who apparently has to be in your life as friends, he's never going to be ok with you both hanging out as friends, just like girls if they were honest with themselves wouldn't like their man going out drinking having quiet secret chats with their ex's and comforting them, because fights, jeslousy, sadness, self doubt and worthlessness would be at an ALL TIME HIGH! Sad but true."I'm 100% loyal, I'm honest, I do NOT cheat. I'm a respectful guy, I like to treat everyone with a bit of kindness and respect especially if they are too me. I am polite to strangers getting doors, waiting elevators, giving up my seat on the bus etc. I'm a very passionate person in every way spiritually and physically, i love the closeness and romance and intimacy in a relationship but i'd love it faaar more if the feeling was mutual. I love unique sense of humours, I'm very understanding, compassionate and caring. But being half Irish and a Sagittarius don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I'm very protective of my friends, family and gf (when I have one) and I'm there through thick and thin when I'm needed. I hate liars, i loce compassionate and understanding people with a big heart, I appreciate honesty, I demand loyalty and I have so much love to give.


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