Timmy's a cute skateboarder with two dogs and a passion for music, he's in a skate punk band. I love him very much.
I am into dark/punk cabaret, steampunk, punk, industrial, EBM, some rocky/metal stuff and everything in between. I have sixteen tattoos and have twenty-something piercings, fourteen are facial. Timmy has no tattoos or piercings (needle and blood phobia!)
I prefer staying in to party, not really one for getting out much! But I do like going to gigs - local and bigger ones. I live with one of my mates and between us we have two cats. I am planning to move in with Timmy in 2019. We're both vegetarians (though don't mind people eating meat in front of us). Thanks for reading if you got this far.

What we're looking for in people:
Open mindedness, liberal, able to vocalise feelings, doesn't mess about, loves animals, is just a genuine person. We don't care if you're cis, trans, non-binary, whatever. Just hit us up and see if we get on. Totally up for making new friends if that's all you're after, too!