

37 - Straight

New York, United States

Nov 16, 2009 01:24

Well, to introduce myself, my name is Jeff. Im 24, covered in tattoos, and love loud music. Got quite a few piercings that I wish I was allowed to wear more often. Im in the Army for another 12 months (just got stoplossed), and have been in for 3 years 2 months Went to iraq last year for 15 months. Im a Combat Medic. I have quite a few other medical liscences as well.
Im what most would call a punk I guess. Dont really like the stereotype, but I suppose it fits me best. I LOVE to skate. And no, not skateboard. I do aggressive inline. I like flipping my body rather then flipping a board, but hey, nothing but love to the boarders out there. I play guitar (electric lead mostly) and drums (any style, prefer punk-screamo). I do bodypiercing, tattooing, scarring, branding, and mody modification as a side job (remember, I am a medic ). I am somewhat of a gamer too, but usually thats only for my time alone. I'd much rather prefer to be out with my friends doing whatever dumb stuff were doing at the time. I love to party, but I love the outdoors too. I like the deep inner city, as well as middle of nowhere-country towns.
Im very laid back, very non-judgemental, and just prefer to be a happy person. I hate arrogant people, and c**ky people even more. I have almost no tolerance for violent people at all. So yea, thats me. Hope you like what you see



Age: 33 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 41 / straight

New York
United States

Talented Tonster

Age: 31 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 22 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 42 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 28 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 40 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 26 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 26 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 24 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 26 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 32 / straight

New York
United States