

30 - Bi

Merseyside, United Kingdom

Oct 7, 2015 01:41

Can you fix the broken? Can you feel my heaarrt
I proper love Paramore, like, you don't even know D;
I'm 20 soon!
I am nowhere near done with this, when I think of things I'll add them :3
I love cupcakes, milkshakes and skittles.
I wanna be able to drive soon sucks not being able to!
I'm obsessed with cuddles, you have been warned aha
I'm from Liverpool, UK
I hate the weather here because there's lots of rain..
Despite this fact, I love falling asleep to the rain
I have arachnophobia.
I also have Coulrophobia ( a fear of clowns )
I love music.
Strawberry nesqwick is the one(), obviously you all agree with me.
I love scented candles.
I love The Lord of The Rings trilogy, and The Hobbit. I love The Matrix trilogy. Kill Bill 1&2 and Shaun of The Dead, and 28 days/weeks later are my all time favourite films, EVER!
I prefer savoury food to sweet, I also prefer fruit/fruit sweets over chocolates, cakes etc..
I want someone nice please? Too many bad people I've came across! :3
I do love to smoke weed but only for certain 'perks' it makes me feel happy :3
I'm very open about sexual activities and like to explore the body?
I really like big lips, they're the best for biting and kissing.
I'm one of the few girls who don't mind being the "big spoon" even if I'm a measly 5ft2 ish....
I'm not small I'm fun sized ;D
I can be the nicest person if you deserve it, otherwise I'm just neutral :3
My favourite colour is purple.
I smoke menthol rollies, I like drinking (y) let's go get drunk
My favourite food is sweet and sour chicken :} or Chinese food in general! yummers!
I like long hair, blue eyes.
Piercings and tattoos!
I have a strange obsession with tall people...
Am I sick for saying I want a zombie apocalypse to happen? I'd just totally kick infected ass ;D
I have 4 tattoos and two piercings. I do want snake bites and loads more tattoos I just need the dollah!
I love stretched lobes, I have both of mine done
I can't stand liars, what you see is what you get!
I can't stand sand but I do like the beach?
I prefer forests, adventures, picnics, camp fires, camping, stars
I'm quite random? But I do take pride in that fact! ;D
I love Adventure Time
Portal 1&2 are amazing games Glados is a sassy bitch ;D
I'm always up for a chat so just message me or if you don't feel confident enough send a wink and if I have the courage I'll message you back :3
I've blabbed on for faar too long.. Sorry.. Thanks for reading so far though if you actually did +1 gold star for you!!
Add me on Snapchat; emmii-ellen94 whatsapp; Emmii-Ellen



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