Hello to all reading, the names Brandon, as you can see. I'm from Hillary in Durban in SA and I'm crazy about death metal and just about any kind of metal. I'm ridiculously quiet and shy by nature but I also like all things dark and I'm slightly evil but don't worry, I wouldn't hurt a fly, and I don't eat humans! I just have a dark mind, I love horror and death and dark poetry. I'm not social at all but I kind of need someone around that can relate to how I am. I'd much appreciate it if anyone like me could step forward as my life isn't very blissful at the moment and I could use some company. Relationship-wise, or just friendship. I don't mind. I like the colour black, the colour blue, and red. I like knives and swords. This is just a little about me and I can tell you more when we meet. Thank you to anyone who reads and responds. If you'd like to chat somewhere, I have Whatsapp (0613525370) and MXit (ID is childofthecorn). Feel free to contact me any time. (: