

35 - Straight

Missouri, United States

Jun 22, 2024 23:33

"I love like in the storybooks. I love you like in the ballads. I love you like a lightning bolt. I've loved you since the third month you came and spoke with me. I loved that you made me want to laugh. I loved the way you were kind and the way you would pause when you spoke, as though you were waiting for me to answer you. I love you and I am mocking no one when I kiss you, no one at all." - Holly Black

So first off if you make it threw all of this then you deserve a cookie =)

Okay so first my flaws -I'm horrible at starting conversations. I'm tend to be shy when first talking to someone. I say many things then wish I could take them back. I suck at flirting and I don't really know how to take a compliment. I'm always worried I'm going to do or say the wrong thing. I'm extremely sarcastic.

I love to read. One of the best feelings in the world is getting lost in a amazing book. From the moment you pick it up and your sucked into a magical world. When you drown yourself so deep into the book that you can smell the iron, and feel the gentle breeze across your skin and you feel the loss when a character you love dies.

Why I'm amazing? Well mostly just because of monkeys, rainbows and unicorns. And obviously because I have bright rainbow hair. I love to read and play video games. I hate the cold, it's evil and should stay away. I love going on random adventures and walking or driving till you have no idea where you are.

My taste in music is everywhere from Celtic, musicals, alternative, Christian alternative, screamo, punk, ext. I love watching crime shows and syfy. I'm extremely accident prone.(You truely have no idea) Stairs are my worst enemy.

I believe too many people belive you can't have a real relationship without s*x. It's much more then that. It's about you and that one person and the love you feel for one another. It's that moment when you realize that you would do anything for that person and you couldn't imagine your life without them. When your heart skips a beat everytime you see them, or even when you hear there name. When you lose your breath everytime you think of them. When you know that just a smile from them would make your day and all that matters is that they are happy. Im a hopeless romantic and want to find someone who feels the same way about love that I do.
So if you were able to make it threw all of this then either congratulations or you have just waisted way too much time. Either way you have earned a cookie =) so if I haven't scared you away yet then feel free to message me.
I do not reply to winks or pervs if you want to actually talk then send me a message =)
Skype- rainbows601
Kik - rainbows601

I don't get on here too often because I work so much so don't be offended if you don't get a reply rite away. Actually just find me on kik I'm almost never on here, I always forget.

**There is something of yours I would like to return to you."
He leaned across the distance between them and caught her mouth with his own. Her eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted easily as she felt the kiss sizzling through her nerves, rendering her thoughts to smoke.
"Um..." Kaye stepped make, a little unsteadily. "Why does that belong to me?"
"That was the kiss I stole from you when you were enchanted," he said patiently.
"Oh...well, what if I didn't want it?"
"You don't?"
No," she said, letting a grin spread across her face, hoping her mother would take her time of the drive over. "I'd like you to take it back again, please."
"I am your servant," the King of the Unseelie Court said, his lips a moment from her own, "Consider it done."** -Holly Black



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