I just moved to Sydney, NSW. I live with my older brother and a friend in the western suburbs.
I'm 21 and i'm open about pretty much everything.. so just ask.
I'm one of the nice ones.. Trust me.
Just want to meet some new people, thats all, I dont know anyone here yet. ^__^
-MuSiC [Pierce the Veil, Falling in Reverse, actually... anything.. i listen to everything ^.^ I play the drums and a bit of guitar]
-GaMinG [WoW, CoD, everything else..]
-SkAtInG [I dont skate anymore, but I love it..]
-DrInKiNg [Irish/Canadian Whisky or RedBull+Vodka] Yay

-DrIfTiNg [I love cars, especially Japanese ones.. Japanese ones going sideways.. really fast.. #Not-a-bogan]
-TuMbLr [http://kieranjaycliche.tumblr.com]
Wicked..... :/
Oh, and i'm single too.

I promise im not an idiot.. buuuut.. I just lost my licence for speeding, (oops *sadface*) I get it back in like, April, I think.. and this is what i drive:
(LEFT: My Jap Import '95 GPX FTO, RIGHT My '88 Toyota Cressida)
Also, I play this thing..:
Fun with friends [Public broadcast of us in a booth.. that was an awesome day]
I studied Audio and Visual design in College.. Loved it, recording and creating art.. there's nothing like it

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