I love life, art, friends, family, music, film, literature, bookstores, multi-media stores, and most importantly creating art, and no not in that order. I am a pretty simple creature, I am non-judgmental, I don’t criticize. Sorry I do eat meat, but I don’t smoke, drink, or do drugs -- legal or otherwise. I am proud to say that I am happily without a religion, and I stay far away from “general politics” as best as I humanly can. I live at home, yes with my parents, no I am not a mooch and shame on you, if the thought popped into your head. I (there’s a lot of these in this and it’s making me feel narcissistic -- but it is “an about me section”, so I’ve have to deal with it) am looking for friends currently, nothing romantic and no that doesn’t mean I am looking for sexual activities or anything similar to that. I am also very foul mouthed and my humor dry, sarcastic, dark, and sometimes even cheap and corny. Normally I wouldn’t bring it up but I’ve a tendency to make jokes that I find funny, regardless if the people around me think it’s funny or not, it’s a habit I don’t feel like breaking. So that’s enough of me winding on about myself -- even though I basically just told you practically nothing about myself. But that’s okay because it isn’t up to a website to inform you about who I am, that job is in your hands if you choose to take it on. I’m open to talk to anyone who’s brave enough to take me on (this would be one of my bad jokes). Thanks for reading.