Hi, I'm Lee!
I scene hop between Goth, Industrial, Vintage, Steampunk and anything else that takes my fancy. I wouldn't say I fit in anywhere, but because of that I get accepted as me everywhere! I'm pretty larger than life when out partying and have friends all over the country in the many overlaping scenes. I can walk into any UK club and be at home.
I live in Peterborough, but enjoy driving and as such go out all over the place. I am regularly in London, Leeds, Birmingham, Sheffield, Nottingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Bedford, Luton and anywhere else that takes my fancy for a night out. I like festivals and am usually at both WGW - Whitby, Resistanz - Sheffield, Infest - Bradford, Lincoln - Asylum, Dark Waters - Nottingham, Amphi - Cologne, WGT - Leipzig & M'era Luna - Hildershiem. I also make a good tour/party guide!
When not out partying I love Films of all sorts (used to have a LOTR cinema) and lots of TV series. Particularly like Fantasy and Humour. I love reading but tend to listen to lots of Audiobooks when driving and the police frown on reading actual books
Music wise, I'm an 80's Kid that got dragged down a dark alley and mugged by Goth. I have some Punk roots, have danced for an Industrial band (Modulate), dabbled in the Lindyhop and Jive scenes. Adore film soundtracks and even some classical. My playlist can be both entertaining and embarassing!
I'm a bit of an hidden-geek. Used to be in IT. Have way too many gadgets. Love chatting and exchanging ideas. Intelligence is a turn on as is a sense of humour. Sucker for puns and seeing the funny side of life. Oh and far less arrogant and intimidating as this possibly sounds.
Come say hello, i'm a very affable and friendly chap and don't bite unless asked very nicely