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5 people loved this photo


Nov 10, 2024 22:37
Apologies if this sounds weird but I love everything about your face.😄 it has a really bright and friendly vibe. The individual parts are amazing, your eyebrows are perfect. A delightful compliment to your eyes themselves which suggest it would be a glorious privilege to be held within their gaze. Similar to the feeling of being rewarded by a fairy princess for rescuing her pet dragonfly that had been caught in a spiderweb. The shape of your mouth looks like it was made from the divine petals taken from a rose of the gods themselves and can we talk about that chin. All together they make a devastating team. I am adrift in the knowledge that such a visage of such heavenly pulchritude has been gifted to the world.
(Ooh that did get a bit weird didn’t it. Soz)

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