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26 people loved this photo


Sep 6, 2021 17:24
Thank you! I'm about to create a very fun mad max styles aerial piece with the Hello Kitty car also making an appearance, it's gonna be a lot of fun!
Sep 7, 2021 19:47
This is probably the most epic thing I have seen in a long time. If not ever.
Sep 7, 2021 19:53
@skyshadow, thank you mostly due to a friend of mine who created all these epic vehicles!
Sep 7, 2021 21:01
Your friend is a genius. Do they have a page? If they do feel free to pm it
Dark Waters
Sep 10, 2021 09:09
Ford Focus?
Sep 23, 2021 18:04
@skyshadow they have insta under either attitude_autos or road2ruin
Zombie King
Oct 31, 2023 19:22
That's badass

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