Does she play any other content? Yeah she does and she play an assortment of things. She also will translate Japanese to English if the so said video game has enough interest.
Anything I don't like about her? Yeah when she supported freeing the protesters that were in jail doing a live stream and raising donations for the cause. She is very lucky she has quality content otherwise I would've unsubscribe to her. However she only posted no more than four times about BLM freeing the jailed protesters. However I don't know many female YouTube people like her or do similar things with content as I made this profile title. If you do know any females like Gab that does the similar range of YouTube content let me know. But don't think this is me saying ''replacement for Gab'' no because she stopped. But one YouTube person wasn't so lucky and he should've kept his comment to himself on Twitter.
Anyone know the Black Butler Roast YouTube person? If you don't you can look up that and you will find him. Anyways he posted something similar to this that people that don't want to see BLM is part of the problem. Excuse me? That' pretty much judgmental. Did you once think before posting that status comment on Twitter that some people have PTSD or mental illnesses? Some things can cause triggers like mine. Such as I had to log out of Instagram for a week or two because the violent images and videos were triggering my PSTD. If you're wondering how bad I would say nothing extremely massive but enough for my self-awareness to kick in telling me my thoughts and psychological level is changing. So I logged out. But for him to say that ''WE'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM'' is so judgmental. I'm sure not once in his head did he think ''anyone with mental disorders or getting triggered by graphic images or videos?'' I'm sure my answer would've been no. For him to post something like that is something ten times worse than what Gab did. Never did Gab once say on her Twitter that ''WE'RE'' the problem. In my personal belief some people and celebrities should keep quite about their belief about political and what they stand for in racial matters etc. Because like that guy YouTube Black Butler Roast will never have my view count or subscribe ever again. That crossed the line. Extremely tasteless. Disrespectful and judgmental.
For people wondering my thought thinking is different. Except my sister I come from a judgmental family that can't think without the bible telling them from right from wrong. Also saying ''I'm a good person and I'm not judgmental and I got Jesus in my heart'' and also I'm no longer allowed by aunt and my dad that I can't have or bring Starbucks in the house due to BLM support. I think that can give you a general idea how my family is except my sister. Being raised around brainwash Christians you can see why I act the way I do on certain subjects. Spirituality is also not accepted by none of my family members including my sister she thought I had a multi personality disorder and really had nothing to say about my spiritual blogs. I'm trapped and I've no voice. I'm also not allowed to be in physical pain or be sick. That's against my dad's rules. As well as my dad said in a hinted verbal attack that he will not take me to the doctors unless I'm dying and he doesn't want to pay for my medical bills or dental bills.
I'm tired taking about this. I ranted enough. Bye.
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