
Dreamingđź’”CorpsePhoto AlbumsHobbies

4 people loved this photo


Apr 13, 2020 20:05
Oh my God your talent of drawing is beyond this world beyond my words this drawing is so awesome I absolutely love it a million times over and I'm not just saying it wow no s*** I would hang this on my wall actually I want to hang it on my wall now the big question I want to ask the meaning of it if it has one basing that on I right right wright voice to microphone text never gets anything right anyway when I right it's always about a life experience again I can't say it enough I love it awesome I I I I want a copy please
May 9, 2021 14:08
It's made out of magazine clippings. I mashed together images from multiple magazines and plexiglass. The image was traced on the glass, covered in ink and stamped on wet paper.

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