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16 people loved this photo


Jul 30, 2019 17:19
Thank you
No Photo
Aug 25, 2019 02:35
Mmmmmm What would you do if I was there right now ?? Hehe
Aug 25, 2019 02:43
I don't know handsome
Oct 29, 2019 08:41
Thank you Paul
Tea Time
Nov 17, 2019 23:04
love your eyes
Nov 17, 2019 23:08
My eyes are powerful i
Apr 23, 2020 19:35
Yep about your eyes even in the picture hypnotizing I'd probably pass out if I met you in person LOL I'm just joking around but not about your eyes they are unique beautiful Windows to your soul that's why
Apr 23, 2020 19:41
Thank you handsome man
Apr 23, 2020 19:54
LOL I think maybe I've spider cracked a few mirrors in my day I know that but they say it's what's inside would you care to talk on the phone or am I breaking the speed limit am I going too fast
Apr 23, 2020 20:00
PS I sent you a message if I did it right but pretty much what I'm saying right now says you saying we need a singer for our goth metal band I like all types of different music my current favorite band is jinjer they're out of the Ukraine badass band some of the names of their songs is scissors he's going to be the one who's going to be the one not he I'm using this microphone to text and it never gets what you say right outlander they're a hell of a good band goth metal band so I was reading up on you again LOL it says you sing I got to talk to you into trying out and hanging out I'm here by myself and this two story house this is starting to sound like a country song and the only people here is me and the ghosts no s*** my house is haunted and I got a cat that just had kittens and a wolf dog go figure well can I talk you into talking to me on the phone please please please pretty please with goth sugar on top smile
Apr 23, 2020 22:29
Thank you
Apr 25, 2020 17:12
Nice Star Wars bag
Jul 2, 2020 14:49
So cute

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