
How will your spiritual God punish other people ?

How will your spiritual God punish other people ?

Anthony55 Created Aug 19, 2024 07:34

I can see bring me the horizon fans gather like I’ve said I hate the rich evil elite they do what they want with the commoners any type of beliefs? In the next life their not rich anymore How will oliver Sykes have his redemption including the fans


This topic has 26 comments


Aug 19, 2024 11:21

He, she, they won't, because, he, she, they (GOD) doesnt exist.

I don't know the people you mention. I also never listened to that band, because it's not my type of metal, I generally don't like metal genres that were created past the early 90s.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 20, 2024 00:20

I'm agnostic Anthony, and even if Ibwasnt I couldn't speak for the power of the universe.

You're going to have to take them to hell.


Aug 20, 2024 02:57

Mike - definitely correct only god is perfect . His probably in a alter universe


Aug 20, 2024 05:26

Yes the fairy in the sky is perfect, so is Santa & the tooth fairy.

An after life will solve all the issues. Let me guess you'll be rewarded for not being rich? & the rich will go to hell & be punished?Cool, so I guess that means nothing will change while your living, & you'll just accept your role as plebiscites. Religion is strategic. Religion is a pacifier & accepting things as they are.


Aug 20, 2024 05:33

I meant *plebeians *


Aug 20, 2024 05:36

I determine my fate, within my means, not some sky fairy.

I'm sorry I'm usually tolerant of others beliefs, but not when it's used in such a s**tty context or argument.


Aug 20, 2024 09:41

I'm done with this conversation. It's silly, & I don't have all the answers.

I find this frustrating too, I'm not entertaining God conversations anymore.

Daddy Gru

Aug 20, 2024 13:45

Let us clear something up once and for all about what exactly agnosticism is. The Greek root words mean “not knowing” (gnosis being knowledge, the a- prefix being a negation). So for the record, it’s a statement about what one knows, most often used to refer to what one knows about the supernatural, especially deities. The truth is, no one knows anything about this area with any certainty, and therefore everyone is essentially agnostic.

One can be both agnostic and atheist at the same time, or agnostic and Christian or Buddhist or whatever other faith creed.

I think people use this term as a placeholder so they can sit on the fence and wait for the evidence to suddenly appear more voluminous on one side or the other, but it really says almost nothing about what you actually believe.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 20, 2024 13:52

Image finding other aliens or celestial angel like beings and learning that they too squander their existence in the same way as humans do. No higher power would concern themselves on the trivial life of microbes.


Aug 20, 2024 16:34

I know what agnostic means.

I dont subscribe to any religion, any philosophy completely, any political group completely. It's quiet simple. I belong to earth & humanity. Even if I don't feel human sometimes. Humans are both, pains in the arse & have there fantastic moments.

I'm not waiting for evidence of a God or diety. I simply don't waste my time with that stuff. It's a distraction from important things, we need to work on. So I identify as an atheist. God doesn't exist for me.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 20, 2024 18:01

It means I don't know and don't care. I know what it means.

Daddy Gru

Aug 20, 2024 18:41

Then you’re more what would be termed apatheist. That is at least more useful and informative to say.


Aug 20, 2024 20:07

Hmmm not that simple im afraid. I believe in evolution. I think I've gone over this before.

I also don't wish to discuss it here, again. I think we went over this in another post.

Daddy Gru

Aug 20, 2024 20:15

I’m really just addressing Mike on this point about terminology.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 20, 2024 22:21

No I looked it up just to be sure. Either is acceptable. Thanks anyway pal.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 20, 2024 22:22

I prefer the proper term not canadian slang though.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 20, 2024 22:25

Interesting point govern is Greek fir control and ment is Greek for the mind government means to control the mind... weird eh?

Daddy Gru

Aug 20, 2024 23:00

Not sure where you got that from but it’s not correct, specifically the -ment part. The -ment suffix is not a Greek root the way you’re thinking of it, it’s from the Latin “mentum,” which indicates that the foregoing part of the word to which it’s attached is a result or an instrument of that word. The word “govern” comes from “gubernare,” to direct, rule, or guide, and itself comes from the Greek “kybernan,” to steer or pilot, as in a ship.

My source is Etymonline, as yours should also be.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 20, 2024 23:13

Thsts lije recomending Wikipedia mate. Once again thanks anyway.

And I checked it has multiple entries that contradict each other. What a joke you're a funny man.

I'll just stick to actual museums.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 20, 2024 23:14

I saw the control mind version a week ago somewhere on youtube... either a video or someone commenting. That's how it gets about, hearsay.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 20, 2024 23:22

No it's the language of medicine Greek.

It can be looked up. It is a fact.

I have a Greek Cypriot friend who has also confirmed and she was a nurse until she had her son also.


Daddy Gru

Aug 21, 2024 00:18

I took a semester’s worth of linguistics classes in undergrad, probably while you were in prison.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 21, 2024 00:26

I van speak 3 languages and I've never been to prison. I was in a medium secure forensic acute unit.

So what?


Aug 21, 2024 02:20

Oh right, sorry Grumman. I blocked Mike. I'm not regretting it. Lol

Daddy Gru

Aug 21, 2024 04:25

You “can” speak 3 languages but apparently can’t spell correctly in any of them despite autocorrect and predictive text.

Speaking 3 languages doesn’t mean you know shït about linguistics and etymology though.

Daddy Gru

Aug 21, 2024 04:43

@Peri, yeah he’s on his way out, apparently, since we’re all braindead wänkers who can’t fathom his colossal genius.


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