
A look into a crumbling society

A look into a crumbling society

GuyWearingTripps Created Aug 15, 2024 00:44

The URL is to a YouTube video by a guy that typically avoids politics and tried too hard to avoid them here, typically his videos are more toward improving your life through financial literacy. Through this post I would like to see a discussion on it while trying to avoid the politics of it (though I myself have strong political beliefs and see no real way fir it to not become political).


This topic has 19 comments


Aug 16, 2024 21:00

It's all the Orange's fault. The guy is a petulant, vindictive son of a b**ch.


Aug 17, 2024 02:14

Orange you glad I didn't say banana?


Aug 17, 2024 02:30

sporange rhymes with orange.


Aug 17, 2024 03:49

Trump rhymes with dump.


Aug 17, 2024 03:59

Yeah but he's going to grover cleveland your country so.. I am laughing. But excellent word play... -_))


Aug 17, 2024 04:02

Oh now that i've seen your profile "ick" you're old enough to be half our literal daddies... You won't find your BTGG here friend. But way to be lame because "orange man bad" gods i swear you "libtards" are just that lol.


Aug 17, 2024 12:57

Libtards, haha, never heard that one before.


Aug 17, 2024 12:57

Libtards, haha, never heard that one before.


Aug 17, 2024 13:30

Well you sound like one with the stupid "orange man" rhetoric, maybe rather than blame him? do something useful? Pretty sure he's going to be back in office soon I mean i was shocked the first time, but this one? nao


Aug 17, 2024 13:56

He is to blame, simple as that, he is a jerk and a rain maker.


Aug 17, 2024 14:02

Nods, its ok i won't argue with you. You can't argue with stupid. I more feel sorry for you at this point. With the factual empirical evidence of "simple as that" you clearly win.

BUT i do want to ask, do you think that kammie and co will do better? please add ANY kinda reason why?


Aug 17, 2024 17:52

Well, it's true. Drumpf is a useless human being who brings nothing but hate and violence.

It's Kamala. Do you call your idol Donald, Donnie? Yes, they will do much better than any Republican can imagine.

One reason is, Democrats have historically supported unions and labor, which are the guts and glory of this great nation.


Aug 18, 2024 21:26

Funny the video is of a city in California (the creators home town) destroyed by socialist style policies. I clearly said in the initial post to attempt to leave out politics. Seems like old heartbreak the only hate brought in the conversation was from you. Learn to fact check because you clearly don't understand economics, clearly don't read up on laws passed such as the increase to taxes that was supposed to only affect the wealthy but hit the lower and middle class far more, you sound like you watch cnn or msn which is the equivalent of fox and Newsmax. I know I am an outcast in the alternative community for my politics but seriously did Trump do any of the things the media said he would, the answer is no.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 18, 2024 21:56

There's a city destroyed by socialism in California?

You taken your medication?

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 18, 2024 21:57

Feel free to tell me its name and the "socialist " policies that caused it.

Fyi: Washington borrowing trillions for fifty years was not a socialist policy.


Aug 18, 2024 23:56

Sadly your topic got little traction, it is in general a sad topic with a lot of points that needn't have ended with the stupid old guy blathering on about "orange man bad" its a world wide issue.. politics IS involved, but its more to me a general discussion to me.
but its a huge topic also... I simply cannot be bothered "on an alt forum" of all places to discuss it. And to what end?

You're only going to get half wits like the ones who posted talking about a tiny sample of the reasons, then blaming the "other guys" for it. But its way to early for me "1 coffee in" and then in my country the same "cost of living" crisis is a major issue, while homelessness is a problem, everything costs a fortune and i cannot buy a house even if i wanted. I can also laugh that my nans property is now valued in the millions of dollars... she brought that whole spot for 20k... WITH a house on it.

But of course idiots will discuss a thing they saw someone else say who also had and or has no clue and cry "orange man bad" while offering no fix of their own because they like me, have NO idea how you fix a problem. Lucky though we're not china... s**t i hear russia isn't doing to badly?


Aug 18, 2024 23:57

Oh lol, mental health crisis and drugs aren't a thing either... heh


Aug 19, 2024 13:01

If the goverment controls every business and property some will definitely rebel

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 19, 2024 22:02

Definitely Anthony.

Look at the troubles.

30 years of hate at less than that. Britain should be ashamed of allowing the local government in Northern Ireland to even form as it was an act of treason against the crown let alone cause 30 years of anarchy in the so called UK by voting in anarchy.

I'm still f**ked up by it all but it beats the alternative.


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