
Photo Question...

Photo Question...

Soso Created Aug 11, 2024 17:06

So when you sign up on here and add photo's, is it still normal for photos to be blurred/not seen for a while before they are approved and visible to all?

Today I had a message from a profile "openeyedpirate" with two photos, both stock 'bearded guy wuth dreads' pics from Tumbler, (or similar) both very clearly visible, but tried to tell me he's only just signed up and new here!

My Spidey-Senses are tingling that it's a fake account so I'm just after some clarity regards the pics.


This topic has 9 comments


Aug 11, 2024 17:38

If the new picture is a profile picture you’ll be able to see it as their icon but when you go to their album it’ll be a black square that says “pending approval” which is usually two ish days.


Aug 11, 2024 17:39

He could have signed up a few days ago 🤷🏻‍♀️ if it’s under a month I’d still call that new


Aug 11, 2024 17:49

Thanks for the replies Looney.

He told me he signed up only yesterday, but both of his photos are clearly approved and visible.

I'm going with my gut instinct here and saying he's been here for longer and is trying out different pics/bio's.

Thanks again.


Aug 11, 2024 17:51

Yeah he probably won't be there in a day or two 😂 the fake ones never last long, they always get deleted. It does take a while to show new pics but if it's fake the profile will most likely end up deleted. Trust your gut girl!


Aug 11, 2024 18:10

I added a more recent pic of myself only last week and it took a couple of days to be approved so yes Trashx3.0, I'll definitely be trusting my gut on this one.

Thanks for replying...🤘🏻💜


Aug 11, 2024 18:11

yeah been seeing aolot the catfshing boting is gettgin crazy abit


Aug 11, 2024 18:28

It seems to be getting worse too ctsvbullet and just makes trusting the genuine people a bit harder sometimes... 🤷‍♀️


Aug 12, 2024 15:32

I havent really changed in my pictures lol.

Just havent added any recently since im not on here much


Aug 12, 2024 18:55

I have an ex who occassionally creates a false profile on here and tries to engage me in conversation.

So when somebody new talks to me I check the pucs (yes I image search them on Google) and I check the dates on comments under them to establish length of time here.

Profiles with pictures of art, vehicles, hobbies but no photo of themselves rarely get a chat out of me.

It's awesome to see old pics and see a person's journey, but in this day and age where cameras, selfies and catfish are everywhere, if a profile doesn't have at least one up to date photo I do kinda see it as a bit of a red flag....


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