
Ya Mop

Ya Mop

πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ_Siren_πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ Created Aug 6, 2024 23:01

As I am looking to dye ( die) my hair once again,
I remember there is debates of what the most attractive hair color is?

Natural hair,
Fun hair colors.

Also I read a lot of men prefer natural hair ,
What do the girls think? What do you like on your men?


This topic has 68 comments

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Aug 6, 2024 23:06



Aug 6, 2024 23:17

As cheesy as this, it's whatever you want. I understand asking for input, but ultimately, whatever you chose, I hope you like it. If you give a s**t what one guy, me, thinks, I'm not huge on the silvery pastels that got popular with a certain demographic, but other than that idc, I like it all. I'm more drawn to styles than to colors, because natural, fun, it's all beautiful in it's own way.


Aug 6, 2024 23:27

Almost there @jay.

@dumr cheesy fecker


Aug 6, 2024 23:32

I was shaving part of my hair until a few months ago, so I have plucked chicken look on one side, equally annoying and funny


Aug 6, 2024 23:46

Lmao, how short is the shirt side rn?

And yeah, I know, but it's true... I like all kinds of s**t, and it really only matters what you think. Maybe some lady will give you some input that helps. I think I like so many things because I really enjoy the artform or it all.


Aug 7, 2024 00:17

Like a few inches...
Ive used gel and hair spray and it still sticks up halfway through the day,
Usually when in talking to someone, I can see it through the corner of my eye ..

It was just a general question, I think I have one or two colors in mind


Aug 7, 2024 01:10

Oh ok, so, much longer than I had thought. I have a lady friend with a Mohawk, and her hair is so thin no matter what she does it won't stick up for more than an hour. Even if she uses the Got2b glued yellow can, which is what I've used on mine even when it's 8 or 9 inches.

Do you do your own or go get it done? What you use to spike it?

Daddy Gru

Aug 7, 2024 02:50

I prefer darker hair, personally, although redheads are fascinating. Never had the pleasure (some might say misfortune) of dating one. I actually originally joined this site back in the day to find a girl with blue or purple hair to date for a minute. Usually seems like a lot of tattoos, piercings, and/or daddy issues come included in a package deal like that.


Aug 7, 2024 03:39

I tend to go for darker hair, preferably wavy/curls


Bald and a beard


Aug 7, 2024 05:13

It's an interesting topic, because I think a lot more can be revealed about people with hair colour, or those attracted to certain hairstyles & colours, are they traditional & conservative types? Are they psychologically impulsive or bored easily, are they just a creative type.

I read somewhere men with some conservative values like long hair, the less conservation, they liked shorter hair & were more open to women straying from traditional feminine hairstyles. I dont think all of the above necessarily apply, ^^^ or should come with a stereotype. I actually dislike stereotypes. People are certainly more complex then that.

I think you should do what makes you happy.

My hair isn't naturally black. 20 yrs ago I had dyed my hair ever single colour. 12yrs ago I had a purple Mohawk. Then a shaved head, because I had bleached the crap out of my hair and it was breaking. Lol I did find a shaved head liberating though.

I haven't had my hair natural for decades, it was a dark ginger. I prefer being creative with my hair.

I did observe when I came out of a hard break up, I changed my hair colour a lot, & frequently. I think I was mentally aware I was trying to embrace change, & I wanted an external representation of that, to motivate me, to be positive about change.

My advice, do what makes you happy, you don't need external validation from men. The right guy, will love you regardless.


Aug 7, 2024 05:18

I feel a few of you have gotten confused, I wasn't going to dye my hair the most popular color men like, as I said I am going to be dying my hair and it got me thinking of this topic.

Men apparently like long hair my own hair gets shorter with every style, I shaved part of my head for years , quite a lot of men dislike that..

Also put what do women think about women's hair and most attractive mens.



Aug 7, 2024 05:41

You didn't strike me @siren, as the type that would care about what dudes think, in that regard. To be clear, but for any women that think that way. I was writing that, but I dont think there would be many these days, especially on here. At least I hope not.

I like women doing whatever the f**k they want.

My personal preference, with attraction. I'm attracted to mostly dark haired women & men, but that can change, obviously you have to have more going for you, then your hair. Lol

I hope I'm still understanding your post, & responding accordingly.

If not oh well. πŸ˜†

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Aug 7, 2024 09:18



Aug 7, 2024 09:43

Hehe yeahhh, balding with a beard specifically. πŸ€ͺ🀭

At least @siren knows what she likes.

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Aug 7, 2024 09:56

Bearded ladies are weird. Just balding plz.


Aug 7, 2024 11:12

@Jay I watched a doco, a couple of weeks ago, on a lady that had some hormonal disorder, she was 25, she had a really thick beard because of it. She was learning to embrace her beard.

My exs sister was born with a tail. πŸ™ƒ she showed me. I asked if she wagged it when she was happy. πŸ€ͺ🀭

Daddy Gru

Aug 7, 2024 14:09

There’s a great young folk / country singer and guitar player named Molly Tuttle who is completely bald because of alopecia universalis. She often wears a wig while performing, although sometimes not. Oddly, and this is just me being honest, I find her just as attractive either way. She has embraced that aspect of herself and become a pretty positive advocate for others with the same condition in the process.


Aug 7, 2024 15:18

Shaved & bald heads can look better on some people.

Yes agreed, some people can just be very attractive people in general, they make you overlook your usual type.

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Aug 7, 2024 15:34

I'm a ghost/electric type.


Aug 7, 2024 23:23

Ive been thinking about this cut( not colour)
Idk though...


Aug 8, 2024 09:56

Ohhh that's cute! πŸ’•


Aug 8, 2024 22:53

It would be funny if I clicked that link and it was just 70's straight up bush.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 9, 2024 01:02

I prefer fun colors for me though currently I am blonde.

For men I like either brown/black or fun colors.


Aug 9, 2024 01:11

& I was still like, oh that's cute! 🀭🀣


Aug 9, 2024 19:01


"How do you get such great curls?"


Aug 10, 2024 00:29

It's cool if you like being blonde neon, but I bet it feels a little weird not having the bright colours lol.

Currently blonde/ brown
And it's so boring lol

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 00:32

Yeah I went more natural for work, it sucks, I don't feel like myself without neon hair 😭 I should be renamed to boring star lmao


Aug 10, 2024 00:41

I saw a girl on insta and she wears wigs for work ,
When she gets to her car she takes it off and she had long blue hair
Maybe a idea?


Aug 10, 2024 02:38

Oh Neons blocked me. Interesting. 🀣🀣🀣


Aug 10, 2024 02:40


That must be a mistake..

Tbh I found out tonight I've been blocked by what I would call a long time online friend/ more .. which is sad

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Aug 10, 2024 02:43

Was it Roberto?


Aug 10, 2024 02:46

Lol Roberto blocked me ages ago

I miss getting called names and blamed for being the FBi and told feck off bΓ­tch.. really I do

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Aug 10, 2024 02:50

I dont think he's blocked me yet. Slacking like a line owned by hippies.


Aug 10, 2024 02:53

Weird how you can wind most people up but he's chill with you?

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Aug 10, 2024 02:56

Oh its jsut because he hasnt seen me yet.


Aug 10, 2024 02:57

He was speaking to you in chat ! Lol

Oh chat is dead, it's fun when there people there

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Aug 10, 2024 02:59

I was i nthere, a dungeons and dragons character joined.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 03:01

Y'all in the chat room?

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Aug 10, 2024 03:15

Neon was there shortly and some guy, i'm going to bed soon, i have to go to a wedding tomorrow or today or something.

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Aug 10, 2024 03:17

I'm not marrying an old dog, he wont even watch New Tricks with me!

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 03:19

Marrying a dog? That's very Roberto of you, Jay


Aug 10, 2024 03:20

Wait, I thought that was horses?


Aug 10, 2024 03:24

In the chat... Pretty much almost alone. Soon

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 03:24

I would like to say I don't have peripatetic blocked..... I don't know what's happening lmao. They are not in my blocked list


Aug 10, 2024 03:26

Well apparently they blocked someone else and then unblocked them,
They said it in a previous post so idk

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 03:26

Huh....weird lmao

I wish Roberto would unblock me

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Aug 10, 2024 03:27

peripatetic is very pathetic with p's

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 03:29

"are you talking to me? f**k you?? Leave me alone! I will block you????"

Did that help tide over the nostalgia?


Aug 10, 2024 03:31

Ahhh it's almost like I still see his posts

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 03:31

When was what? I just made up a quote he would say lmao

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Aug 10, 2024 03:32

Normally i just get "f**k you" apart from that one time he was in the chat questioning why nobody replied?


Aug 10, 2024 03:33

Did you say "you blocked everyone ya knob"


Aug 10, 2024 03:33

Oh I thought you were talking about someone else.. like what was said earlier.

I use to get " I know you're in the FBI"

Bruh I'm in England we don't have the FBI

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 03:34

He sent me a.message asking me if you can get high from some random medicine I have never heard of them blocked me

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Aug 10, 2024 03:34

The FBOi


Aug 10, 2024 03:35

I'm not sure what he even blocked me for tbh lol

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 10, 2024 03:35

The f**k boi?


Aug 10, 2024 04:15

*Cries in short hair


Aug 11, 2024 13:30

@ jay what am I?

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 12, 2024 01:01

Ah sorry we should definitely do the chat room at some point


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