
Uk Riots

Uk Riots

Throne blocked Created Aug 3, 2024 08:39

Today could be the day where it kicks off around the country by the sounds of it. We have already had protests in Southport,Hartlepool and a burning of a police station in Sunderland last night. The highlight being the guy being hit in the balls by a brick.

Tommy Robinson has given a list of locations he wants people to protest in and there seems to be counter protests being organised too.

I wonder how it will all go down today, could he a day when nothing happens and its all wind and pish but it could also be the opposite, we will just have to wait and see.

Anyine live in the towns/cities these hastely organised protests are due to happen?


This topic has 76 comments

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 3, 2024 08:52

They remind me of the yobs in the This is england movie. They need rounding up with the skunk piss cannons the Israelis use.

Throne blocked

Aug 3, 2024 09:33

Basically football hooligans tbh. Turn up, trash the place and claim to be moral guardians of us all🤣

No Photo


Aug 3, 2024 11:03

"These foreigners are destroying our country, lets destroy our country to prove it" - A bunch of racists.

I think that's the gist of it, right?

Also their leader is currently a foreigner in another country?

Also Farage is somehow involved because he loves racism?

No Photo


Aug 3, 2024 11:36

Oh oh, i know that one of the leaders of this whole thing is a guy who went to prison for stabbing kids one time!

Is that helpful?


Aug 3, 2024 15:23

I may be too cynical or possibly too naive, but I don't think they have the numbers or organisation levels to create anything like the 2011 craziness.It will prob go like Crow said. Out of towners causing some damage, but ultimately achieving nothing.


Aug 3, 2024 19:22

"You can bet these are the same people that moan about people being sheep like."

Damn that's a good point.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 3, 2024 22:12

There are prozionist skinheads?

London is quiet where I am.

Coolock Dublin has been going mad for a week.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 3, 2024 22:12

I reckon this is the start of a lot of trouble.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 3, 2024 22:14

Maybe we should just give these pro zionist skinheads what they want and build a gulag for the stupid people and then we won't have these protests.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 3, 2024 22:15

And stop bombing Gaza.

No Photo


Aug 3, 2024 22:36


Aug 4, 2024 00:36

Hit in the balls with a brick you say?
Doctor: So how can I help you?
Patient: Give me something to take away the pain but leave the swelling.


Aug 4, 2024 02:05


Throne blocked

Aug 4, 2024 07:53

91 arrests so far. I wasnt following it too much yesterday but it did seem to descend into throwing seats and bins(which is a very football hooligan things to do) as well as fire some fireworks at the police lines. I also seen a video of a policeman shoved off his motorobike and given a bit.


Aug 4, 2024 10:39

Question: if this does escalate and there are more arrests that turn into convictions and sentences, where are all these people that suddenly decided that they had nothing better to do last week than sit down and read Mein Kampf etc and riot, where will they be serving their sentences?
Maybe Old Slippery Starmer will be re-purposing the Bibi Stockholm? Might need a bigger boat chief
Or he could call for the introduction of special detention camps where he could CONCENTRATE all the trouble makers in one place....oh hang we did that one before in South Africa around the start of the last century.


Aug 4, 2024 10:52

At least the government their seems to be against rioting. The Democratic leaders in the USA encouraged the 2020 riots.

@Mike, You obviously don't know diddler do... Jews are native to the middle east. Israel has a right to exist. Before 1948 Jews, Christians and Muslims all lived there. There's no reason why they all can't live there. Except the Muslim extremist don't want Jews back and don't want Israel to be a state.


Aug 4, 2024 10:55

Are the riots anti immigration or anti illegal immigrants? None of the articles were clear on why the riots started.


Aug 4, 2024 18:03

The riots are anti-illegal immigration I would say mainly, even though any riot just about anywhere has a 'rent-a-mob' element with their own agenda, mainly to smash shop windows over turn cars and set stuff on fire etc, rioting isn't the answer, I don't know what the answer is but rioting it isn't, but there's a lot of people here who are on a 'hair trigger' as far as people getting stabbed, acid thrown in their face or blown up at concert halls by people who turn out to be illegal immigrants, even though the appalling incident in Southport the perpetrator was neither Muslim or an illegal immigrant.
On a positive note it has united Southern Ireland and Northern Ireland, never thought I'd see people marching/demonstration and rioting with the Irish Tricolour and the Union Flag together one side against the Police on the other.

No Photo


Aug 4, 2024 18:09

They aren't anti-illegal immigration, they're any anyonewhoisntwhite, lets be real.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 4, 2024 18:44

This weeks riots came after low life thugs from out of town disrespectfully hijacked a quiet vigil being held for 3 murdered children, and used it as a cover for vandalism and starting fights with the police. Think school bullies who peaked at school, with easily lead mob mentalities. This is what happens to countries that become too soft.


Aug 4, 2024 18:52


This is why we have guns. Even the kids!

Especially the kids.

Things are much better and every protest a peaceful delight.✌️ 🌈

Throne blocked

Aug 4, 2024 22:08


Throne blocked

Aug 5, 2024 18:26

400 arrested now

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 6, 2024 02:54

I know that Israel was given by Britain in 1946 to save the Jews from the holocaust and the memories etc.

I know that now they have been murdering people in an open air prison a puppet state of NATO although not officially a member.

I know Israel has broken more UN resolutions than every other country on Earth COMBINED for over 60 years, including the USA.

I know they were evicting families from their homes for decades and are trying to wipe Palestine off the map.

I know right from wrong.

As for Israels right to exist. Mate that's YOUR opinion.

I don't see holocaust survivors children taking holocaust survivors grandchildren to eat pop corn on deck chairs watching children be bombed in war crimes in the GolanHeights and agree with the sentiment though. Palestine wasn't really Britain's to give anyway.

One day USA UK and France will just stop funding Israel after they piss the Arabs off completely and the like of Hitler get their holocaust.

Don't forget the Nazis put Neil Armstrong on the moon, there are many ways to skin cats. The Nazis wanted to send the Jewish people back to the middle East.

I am AWARE that Christians Jews and Muslims lived in relative peace in Palestine once. Is that what you're talking about? Palestine where they lived in relative peace.

You know the right of return applies to the Palestinians also? Honest to God. Palestinians are human beings. Look it up sometime. You need to educate yourself.

I've bulletproofed an ambulance for the red crescent once. Do continue to mouthpiece whatever s**te the Bloombergs told you. People can hear you.

But OBVIOUSLY I'm the one who's gormless...

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 6, 2024 02:57

Out of interest when the children in Gaza were being bombed in 2016 and little children were being mutilated and maimed I helped them, I sent an ambulance to protect them, WHAT DID YOU DO ABOUT UT? Eat popcorn?

Be honest.

No Photo


Aug 6, 2024 05:10

Anyone else want to go on an unhinged rant about something unrelated or has mike here got us covered?


Aug 6, 2024 05:22

Needs more cowbell.

Throne blocked

Aug 6, 2024 08:43

Well folks it looks like we are now in a Ellon Musk civil war.

Good luck everyone

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 6, 2024 13:24

It's not a rant an ignoramus has personally insulted me and I want to know what input she has had against the genocide of Palestine.

I want to know if she dis something to help or just gormlessly ate pop corn saying ifnorant half truth that she clearly thinks people don't know the whole truth of.

No need to worry I reckon I can guess.

No Photo


Aug 6, 2024 13:47

Daddy Gru

Aug 6, 2024 14:54

I love Mike’s completely uninformed rants. He’s been good comic relief in Vamp’s absence.


Aug 6, 2024 18:50

So the latest statement from P.M Starmer is that he's going to deploy a Standing Army of Special Police to deal with the rioting.
So am I summing this up correctly? Not THE army...NOT regular Police officers, but something between the two, kind of like a para-military para-military force with the titular initials S.A?
Hmmm sure I've heard something like that being done before somewhere...will they be wearing the usual brown shirts like last time?

No Photo


Aug 6, 2024 19:15

I personally thought Halo 2 was the best but if you're such a big fan of Reach we can talk about it.

No Photo


Aug 6, 2024 20:38

Nice weather for it.


Aug 6, 2024 21:53

Wait until the weather breaks and the thunderstorms start, then we'll see who's the committed rioters, hard to get your Molotov c**ktail lit whilst holding a brolly.


Aug 7, 2024 01:04

So my simple one... WHY are people protesting called right wing? or left... but why aren't they... PEOPLE... rather than brand them some "right wing" or left, sometimes its simply people over a f**king stupid thing, yet your government... OH THOSE RIGHT WING THUGS... I'm starting to think like being called a homophone or a spigot, right and left has no meaning.

Daddy Gru

Aug 7, 2024 02:59

It definitely seems to change over time. In my own lifetime, I’ve seen the Democrats go from being the party of organized labor, “Buy American,” pro-industry, and anti-war to being very pro-American intervention overseas and hyper-fixated on identity. The Republicans have gone from being proponents of the Pax Americana / New World Order to being “America First” isolationists, from promoting the “Moral Majority” to supporting morally bankrupt candidates who can’t even credibly pretend to be Christian, and from wrapping themselves in the banner of law and order to trampling on it if it means they can win an election.


Aug 7, 2024 03:47

^ Nods, lot of the memes i see are the left right and how they've moved the goals kinda thing. But its ANNOYING in a way? the whole those people are RIGHT wing.. but i look and see people who're pissed off over things who're just regular folks, yet the media and government has to "brand" them as a thing...
It just make me lose "the none i had to begin with" faith in the media. And these riots.. sigh, its hard to get a balanced view, like certain other issues over other groups.

Throne blocked

Aug 7, 2024 07:28

A large portion of the protests are about immigration which has mostly been an extreme right issue in the UK in my lifetime and before I think. Albeit I take your point a its really a debate on what "left" and "right" actually is and if its actually a thing. I think most of the riots are in tranditionally labour voting places, but these people seem to hate Starmer.

30 protests planned today with 6000 police organised for it.

Throne blocked

Aug 7, 2024 07:34

Interesting response from a guy outside of a Rangers supporters club in Northern Ireland about an asian man gettint his business destroyed by rioters


Aug 7, 2024 07:44

Fair point back also, but that is another thing, which depending on how you look at "are in the middle of" it, might have some mixed feelings. Right now WE have a "supposed" immigration problem, yet we sold houses to china as investments, but we lack land to build ON with "nimby's" Not In My Back Yard, types who don't want high rise and density housing in their "little space"
So i only make a funny, but am i far right now? cause i want my country to be just that? but i also see the people as my FELLOW aussies, be them immigrated or otherwise.

But i swear i hate how people who likely are regular folks, who just want to have a fair run as much as anyone else get shafted? but i DO see how people from FARRRRRR right and LEFT people will use this for their own agendas. -_))

No Photo


Aug 7, 2024 08:20

Its weird to me y'all are trying to discuss how skinheads are just regular ol' centrist folk.

Throne blocked

Aug 7, 2024 08:43

I shave my head and i'm not far right

No Photo


Aug 7, 2024 08:55

Come on Thrones, you're from round here, you know the difference between a skinhead and a skinhead!

Throne blocked

Aug 7, 2024 09:20

I know🤣

Might be a good week to watch "this is England"

Daddy Gru

Aug 7, 2024 14:28

I think the right vs left thing is just a dumb partisan framing device for pointless arguments. It’s funny how often I’ll get branded one or the other in comments sections just for voicing support for one side of a given topic. Support the police? You must be a far right bootlicker (we know Mike thinks you are, anyway). Support people celebrating Pride Month events with their colorful flags and flamboyant parades? You must be a far left wokester socialist. I actually sort of like the fact that the average moron cannot seem to figure me out just based on a single one of my positions.

Throne blocked

Aug 7, 2024 14:35

^Horrible Lefty Righty

Daddy Gru

Aug 7, 2024 14:36

It turns out, people hate the politically homeless even more than they hate the actually homeless.

Throne blocked

Aug 7, 2024 14:39

Sadly thats actually true.

100 events expected tonight. Businesses being boarded up to protect them


Aug 7, 2024 15:11

ROMPER STOMPER was an awesome movie. But who's a skin head?

Throne blocked

Aug 7, 2024 15:36

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 7, 2024 16:56

To summarise that video clip, basically people don't know why they're racist, and are potentially both ill-informed and lead by equally ill-informed people who also don't know why they hate people. They're just lumping together both illegal immigrants and non-whites who have lived in the country for years and made their own way without handouts.

The lad that triggered this was thought to be Muslim, but was christian. So where is the out cry towards those crazy Christians at it again!? Oh yes... no one's interested now the narrative isn't the one they can use.

Daddy Gru

Aug 7, 2024 17:22

To be fair, Christians aren’t the ones doing this most often these days. I hate Christianity more than most people, but Islam is the far bigger problem today. That said, yeah, simply drawing false conclusions based on the skin color of an admittedly heinous POS killer is bigotry. Not knowing much else about the things underlying this protest response in the UK, I’ll just say that it seems a lot like the same kinds of tribally based protests that happen in the US, completely devoid of nuance.

No Photo


Aug 7, 2024 18:10

Oh Gru you got it all wrong, its far mroe reasonable, they didnt even know his skin colour!

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 7, 2024 18:47

No they just assumed he was Muslim and being racial identity protected by the authorities to avoid uproar... and when he was found to have been a black person born in england - they still went after mosques and brown people. They just needed a reason, and when they didn't get it the did it anyway.


Aug 8, 2024 01:04

But then i've seen literal video of them protecting the "muslims" who are "carrying" and told to merely "just pop those away" so... its a bit of an awful look all around?

But i was only saying in general its unfair when people are being vilified, but also its f**ked up that some people just "as was pointed out also" wanna reason. sigh at the world.


Aug 8, 2024 04:29

So Throne, I haven't heard about the UK riots, mainly because I've been involved in work and I stay away from the news because...yea, thats insanity.

What are the riots about? Just curious because I see plenty of messages, but nothing as to really why?

No Photo


Aug 8, 2024 09:20

Soul, pretty sure its been said why a few times but i'll give yo ua quick story.

Bunch of little girls got stabbed. Andrew Tate revealed it was by an illegal immigrant. The EDL and a bunch of racists started rioting and beating up anyone who wasnt white. The press eventually revealed it was by a Christian British teen. The racists ignored this and carried on rioting claiming it is anti-immigration protests and not riots at all.

Hope this helped

Throne blocked

Aug 8, 2024 14:00

^^ thats pretty much it.

I could talk about general mood in the country about immigration, and standard of living etc but I dont have time just now.

No Photo


Aug 8, 2024 14:46

My favourite part is that they bailed on all the riots last night because they were outnumbered. The English Defence League is our last line of defence and they were scared!

Throne blocked

Aug 8, 2024 16:15

I think the hangovers just kicked in tbh


Aug 8, 2024 17:51

@Jay - I missed that then. lol

Honestly, I am not surprised that it was a Christian. They've been killing everyone since they brought down Rome.

Crusades on the holy land, crusades on the pagans, converting or killing non-believers, etc.

Daddy Gru

Aug 8, 2024 18:06

Yeah, except they by and large don’t do it today. But boy, 500-1000 years ago, you’d definitely have a point.

No Photo


Aug 8, 2024 18:08

I personally was a victim of a holy crusade just last month.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 8, 2024 18:58

It'll all blow over soon enough. But what's next... Will it be the aftermath of the US elections? Further middle escalation? Giant meteor? Stay tuned for more wacky adventures on planet earth!


Aug 20, 2024 05:07

That piece of s**t prime minister is f**king up the UK! Should have kept Boris Johnson stupid ass Brits!!!


Aug 20, 2024 05:11

omg! he's back!


Aug 20, 2024 18:52

I thought Vampy was in Bidens basement


Aug 21, 2024 00:10

Biden quit so vamp was let out... Read the news man...


Aug 21, 2024 04:24

Why are people so biased when it comes to religion? Especially Christianity.... Can't a bad person just be a bad person?

The Roman empire failed because of corruption and other factors like Germanic tribes invading. Plus the crusades were started because the Islamic empire. It was oppressing Jews and Christians and any other non Muslim people. It was larger than Roman empire. I hardly ever hear anyone talk about the Islamic empire.


Aug 21, 2024 04:25

The crusades ended up being corrupt too. Not saying they were innocent.

Daddy Gru

Aug 21, 2024 04:32

You have a point about the lack of criticism of Islam, at least in mainstream media sources. It’s because Islamists and jihadists have essentially taken the entire world hostage. If anyone in mainstream journalism insults, criticizes, or “blasphemes” the religion, it’s pēdophile prophet, or its slavish, low-IQ adherents, their threats of violence are all too real, as the 50,000-odd acts of Islamic terrorism over the past 4 decades will attest.

That said, Christians are very vocal and overly proud of their religion and it’s fücking annoying.

Throne blocked

Aug 21, 2024 07:21

Good to see vamp is alive and well

Daddy Gru

Aug 21, 2024 15:04

Well, he’s alive at least.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 24, 2024 00:02

Islam definitely deserves more crime than it gets, but in woke wold criticizing Islam is akin to being racist now. It's hilarious hearing people talk about the s*xism of Christians and saying Islam is feminist when women have a way s**ttier deal in Muslim countries than in Christian ones. But whatever, reality is subjective now

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 24, 2024 23:43

Things are just going to get weirder. To the point that if aliens land, the whole thing will fade into the background within a month.


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