
Crank Calls

Crank Calls

emperorroberto Created Aug 17, 2021 09:44

They are tougher to make these days but let's talk about 1 you have made.


This topic has 7 comments


Aug 17, 2021 09:51

I'll go first,back in like the early 2000's I called a number pretending yo be taking a survey on Coca Cola making a new energy drink.I started off asking a few simple regular questions and then I asked how do you feel about Coca Cola puting bull testosterone in their drink.The guy said he's older and could use it.Later I asked what should be on the front of the can?Red balloons,stars or naked Playboy model Jennifer Taylor.He chose red balloons

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Aug 18, 2021 03:10

Me and my friend called a dumpster rental place once. Told them we were going to fill it with water so our kids could swim in it. Was on the phone with the guy for like 20 minutes.


Sep 15, 2021 17:54

Prank calls, not crank calls


Aug 23, 2024 13:55



Aug 23, 2024 17:02

I used to prank call the talk to frank drug helpline and put on the Solid Snake voice and would inform them about the new drug on the scene called "Metal gear" I would explain to them how it's liquidised metal with "gear" and they would take notes down about this new drug! LMAO!


Aug 23, 2024 18:14

I once called an abuse hotline and said that my girlfriend beats me and I asked if they could teach me karate and the girl laughed.


Aug 23, 2024 18:18

My friends and I used to do that however, we would either get scared or start laughing and hang up, haha.


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