

43 - Straight

saskatchewan, Canada

Sep 2, 2013 23:04

I am a punk/hippy/skater/eco-geek/band guy. I believe actions speak louder than words, and our situation on this planet grows more precarious day by day.
when i was mid teens, i packed my skateboard, amps, drum, and a bit of other s**t into my car, and left my small town headed for the city. Met some good people up there, got into playing in bands, promoting shows, and did some touring, mostly around western Canada. If you go or used to go to shows, you might have even heard of one of them.. like State of Minefields, Mechanical Separation, Obey, Suckcess, Rotundi, Snapelgrock, Axed up Conformist, i may have missed a couple, but my current project is called Hydra. Experimental craziness, where i pre record guitar onto a loop pedal, and play drums to it while the other guy (Jon) makes horrible electronic noise and does vocals. I listen to all kinds of s**t, but my record collection is mostly old punk, grindcore, stoner doom metal, some older deathmetal, power v, really grungy grunge. Since i live in the middle of nowhere, this is how i figured best to stay doing the band thing without always driving to the city to jam. now i can self jam. like musical m****rbation. sooo why am i in the middle of nowhere? Well, with these bands i was in, i always pushed the whole 'be self sustainable/live outside of the system' thing. people thought it would be great to do that! but sooo impossible... So i decided to put my money where my mouth hole is, and lead by example. I moved out to this little river valley ranch, built my house, all DIY, and been slowly but surely working toward being self sustainable,, one step at a time. I would rather spend my hours making what i need myself, than working to fund a corrupt system, my taxes funding war and riot squads. I opt out of the madness. I love it out here, and the city scares the s**t outta me now. Too much noise , flashing lights, line ups and stinking of pollution. but i still love to go up and see a good show, or play a show, and see my peeps. Its insanely cheap for me to live out here, since i make a lot of my own food, and i have no mortgage since i slowly built my house over years as i had extra money to put into it. All i really have is a power bill, until i buy solar panels that is...
So i am still active with music, planning a tour in Europe early next summer. will be doing some touring in Canada in the next few months. I have 3 hilarious dogs that are smarter than most people im sure..
Im pretty normal i guess, but yet weird. Im a non conformist and an intellectual, but im not big into punk fashion. i just wear band shirts and jeans, and my hair is normal, no piercings, just a few tattoos that still mean a lot to me.. i make above average money at my job, and i actually enjoy it, but i have plans for making my income from on the farm by way of a innovative greenhouse design iv developed for winter production using some advanced materials and technology now available. aaand i try to eat healthy as much as i can, i avoid processed foods and greasy crap.
Im hoping to find a cute open minded non conformist chick to mix it up with. I'd love to jam if you are a musician, but its fine if not... I am a mellow guy, and i don't like to argue or fight. If i finally find the right girl, i will treat her like a queen, and i will never look back. i will only have eyes for her, and i want it to be a true partnership, with total mutual respect..

well that's enough, im going to bed...



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