

32 - Bi

Cirginia, United States

May 28, 2009 12:27

Ugh I hate these things. I never know what to say. How can someone just sum up who they are in a little profile? But here I am doing it... damn conformity.

Anyways... So I'm Carlie. I'm your typical angsty teenager just trying to fit in while at the same time trying to figure out who she is. I'm such an attention ***** yet I'd really rather not be noticed. I go through a lot of mood swings. Mostly from happy to depressed. I'm not a very angry person unless I'm mad at myself. I know I must sound very depressing at the moment but trust me I'm always like this. I have moments when I'm so incredibly happy/hyper I just feel like if I don't let it all out I'll burst! Such a great feeling.

A lot of times I feel like I'm not who I really am. I don't even know who me is. It's like I have split personalities. I never know who I'm going to be.

Sigh I guess that's life though. You never know anything until the very end