

34 - Straight

Monmouthshire, United Kingdom

Jul 18, 2013 23:22

So I'm Tom and very new to this sort of thing but thought I would give it a try.

I'm very quiet at first but once you get to know me you won't shut me up.

I am originally from a little village called Dyserth in North Wales but recently moved down to South Wales and I don't know anybody round here yet.

I live with my Mum and her partner, Mum is ill and I care for her during the week as her partner works away and is only home at weekends.

I love Computers, my room is literally scattered with spare parts and other peripherals etc, can't go a day without using one or opening one up to tinker

I'm an avid gamer, have a vast collection of xbox 360 and PC games.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music


LoTR Trilogy, His Dark Materiel's Trilogy, Harry Potter books, Anything by Stephen king, Dan Brown

TV Shows:-

Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Bones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, House, Lost, Fringe, Person of Interest, Dexter, Homeland


Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smokin' Barrels, Scarface, Die hard's, Donnie Darko, Rock n' Rolla, Smokin' Aces, Identity, Red Lights, LoTR, The Hobbit, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Pick of Destiny, Jackass, Dirty Sanchez, Fight Club


Metal, Punk, Pop-Punk, Alternative, Indie, Rock, bit of Rap/RnB, Drum and Bass, Dubstep, Reggae, pretty much most things that aren't generally in the Top 40



Age: 26 / bi

United Kingdom


Age: 37 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 50 / straight

United Kingdom